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结核性液气胸 tuberculous hydropneumothorax英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-22 19:03:40


结核性液气胸 tuberculous hydropneumothorax英语短句 例句大全

结核性液气胸,tuberculous hydropneumothorax

1)tuberculous hydropneumothorax结核性液气胸

1.Adjuvant treatment with brucea javanica oil emulsion in patients withtuberculous hydropneumothorax鸦胆子油乳剂辅助治疗结核性液气胸疗效研究


1.Adjuvant treatment with brucea javanica oil emulsion in patients with tuberculous hydropneumothorax鸦胆子油乳剂辅助治疗结核性液气胸疗效研究

2.Value of indwelling catheter into intrathoracic cavity treated with tuberculous pleural effusion胸腔内置管治疗结核性胸腔积液的价值

3.Iodophor rinse treatment of intrathoracic tuberculous pleural effusion碘伏胸腔内冲洗治疗结核性胸腔积液疗效观察

4.Treatment of tuberculous empyema accompanying bronchopleural fistula with combined Chinese traditional and Western medicine中西医结合治疗结核性脓胸伴支气管胸膜瘘

5.The significance of detecting IFN-γ in serum and pleural effusion in differentiating tuberculosis and malignant pleural effusions血清和胸液IFN-γ检测对鉴别结核性和癌性胸液的价值

6.Treatment of tuberculous pleural effusion by intrapleural cavity injection of urokinase尿激酶胸腔内注入后当次抽液治疗结核性包裹性胸腔积液

7.Research on the Relation between the Pulmonary Tuberculosis Process and Spontaneous Pneumothorax;肺结核病变与自发性气胸关系的探讨

8.Effect of urokinase on encapsulated tuberculous pleural effusion尿激酶治疗结核性包裹性胸腔积液疗效观察

parative analysis on chest X-ray findings of 134 cases with newly showed smear positive or negative pulmonary tuberculosis痰液涂片阳性和阴性肺结核X线胸片比较

10.Clinical Observation of Intrapleural Injection of Urokinase Forpatients with Encapsulated Tuberculous Pleural Effusion;胸腔注入尿激酶辅助治疗结核性包裹性胸腔积液的临床研究

11.Forceps Holder and Microwave Treatment Guided by Thoracoscopy for Multilocular Tuberculous Pleural Effusion胸腔镜介导下微波和钳夹治疗多房性结核性胸腔积液

12.Curative Effect Comparision between Two Different Draining Ways in Patients with Tuberculous Pleural Effusions结核性胸腔积液两种引流方法疗效的比较

13.Application of intrathoracic closed drainage of central venous catheter in treatment of tuberculous pleural effusion中心静脉导管在结核性胸腔积液中的应用

14.The value of adenosine deaminase from pleural effusions in diagnosis of tuberculous pleurisy胸腔积液腺苷脱氨酶测定对结核性胸膜炎的诊断价值

15.The value of thoracic close with central intravenous catheter in treatment of tuberculosis pleural effusion中心静脉导管胸腔引流术在结核性胸腔积液治疗中的应用

16.Application of central venous catheterization in patients with tuberculous pleural effusion中心静脉导管胸腔闭式引流术在结核性胸腔积液治疗中的应用

17.Diagnostic Significance of Interferon Gamma Concentration, Adenosinase Deaminase Activity in Tuberculous and Nontuberculous Pleural Effusions;胸液γ-干扰素、腺苷脱氨酶的检测对结核和非结核性胸腔积液的诊断意义

18.Diagnostic value of combination with pleural biopsy and Mycobacteria Culture from pleural effussion in Tuberculous Pleurisy胸膜活检和胸液培养分枝杆菌联合运用对结核性胸膜炎的诊断价值


Tuberculous pleural effusion结核性胸腔积液

1.Treatment with ultrasound-guided drainage and urokinase injection for tuberculous pleural effusion;超声引导下胸膜腔注入尿激酶治疗结核性胸腔积液

3)tuberculosis pleural effusion结核性胸腔积液

1.Methods\ VEGF was detected using ELISA method in serum and pleural effusion of 26 cases of malignant pleural effusions and 18 cases oftuberculosis pleural effusion.方法采用双抗体夹心免疫酶标 (ELISA)法检测 2 6例恶性胸腔积液患者和 1 8例结核性胸腔积液患者血清和胸水中VEGF的含量。

2.Objective To explore the diagnostic values and clinical significance of adrenomedullin in differentiating lung cancer from pulmonary tuberculosis and differentiating malignant pleural effusion fromtuberculosis pleural effusion, to provide the experimental basis of diagnosis and treatment of them.目的 研究肾上腺髓质素(adrenomedullin,AM)对肺癌与肺结核暨恶性胸腔积液与结核性胸腔积液鉴别诊断价值及临床意义,为肺癌和恶性胸腔积液的诊治提供实验依据。

4)Tuberculous encapsulated hydrothorax结核性包裹性胸腔积液

5)Tuberculous encapsulated effusion结核性胸腔包裹性积液

6)tuberculous pyothorax结核性脓胸

1.Objective To study the clinical and imaging features of chronictuberculous pyothorax associated with malignant tumors.目的探讨慢性结核性脓胸合并恶性肿瘤的临床与影像学表现。


结核结核 结核 病名。指核样肿物生于皮里膜外者。《备急千金要方》卷二十三有:“此症生于皮里膜外,结为果核,坚而不痛”。该病因风火气郁,或湿痰凝结而致。初起推之可动,久则推之难移,多不作脓。若因风火气郁结聚,初起伴有寒热者,宜用荆防败毒散解表,继服连翘解毒饮;如湿痰凝结气郁者,可行气化痰,用五香流气饮或千金指迷丸。本病相当于急、慢性淋巴结炎,或淋巴结核及部分皮下肿物等病。

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