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自由贸易协定(FTA) Free Trade Agreement(FTA)英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-16 08:05:45


自由贸易协定(FTA) Free Trade Agreement(FTA)英语短句 例句大全

自由贸易协定(FTA),Free Trade Agreement(FTA)

1)Free Trade Agreement(FTA)自由贸易协定(FTA)


1.Economic Effect of Free Trade Agreement Between China and New Zealand;中国和新西兰自由贸易协定(FTA)的经济效应

2.Research on Possibility and Economic Effects of FTA between China, Korea and Japan;中韩日自由贸易协定(FTA)的可行性及其经济效应

paring and Drawing upon the New Generation of Bilateral Free Trade Agreements;新一代双边自由贸易协定的比较与借鉴——以日新FTA、欧墨FTA为例

4.Research on the Development of Chinese Agri-product Trade under the FTA Framework of China-ASEAN and China-Chile;自由贸易协定(FTA)下的中国—东盟及中国—智利农产品贸易发展研究

5.South Korea-US Agriculture Free Trade Agreement(FTA)"s and Impact on Korea"s Agriculture论韩美农业自由贸易协议(FTA)对韩国农业影响

6.Central European Free Trade Agreement中欧自由贸易协定(自由贸易协定)

7.Agreement on the Establishment of a Free Trade Area建立自由贸易区协定

8.Accord de libra-echange nord-americain北美自由贸易协定(北美贸协)

9.The Situation and Prospect of FTA in Northeast Asian;东北亚地区建立自由贸易区(FTA)的现状与趋势

10.GATS and the Freedom Movement of Natural Persons;《服务贸易总协定》与自然人自由流动

11.Analysis of the Agricultural Produce Trade Problems in the FTA of China, Japan and South Korea;中日韩自由贸易协定中的农产品贸易问题分析

12.Caribbean Basin Free Trade Agreement Act 1993 1993年加勒比海盆自由贸易协定法案

13.The U.S.-South Korea Free Trade Agreement Negotiation under Two-Level Games;双层博弈下的美韩自由贸易协定谈判

14.Research on Some Legal Problems of NAFTA;《北美自由贸易协定》若干法律问题研究

15.East Asian Economic Integration and China-Australia FTA;东亚经济一体化与中澳自由贸易协定

16.On the Application of the Agreements on CAFTA;论中国——东盟自由贸易区协定的实施

17.Analysis of the Multi-angle Effects of Central America Free Trade Agreement;试析《中美洲自由贸易协定》多角化影响

18.The United States Bilateral Free Trade Agreements and Environmental Issues;美国的双边自由贸易协定与环境问题


Bilateral Free Trade Agreement (Bilateral FTA)双边自由贸易协定(双边FTA)

3)Free Trade Area (FTA)自由贸易区(FTA)


1.Research on the Development of Chinese Agri-product Trade under theFTA Framework of China-ASEAN and China-Chile;自由贸易协定(FTA)下的中国—东盟及中国—智利农产品贸易发展研究

2.The Background,Content and Impact of China-SingaporeFTA中国-新加坡自由贸易协定的背景、内容及影响

3.Then the paper looks into the opportunities and challenges that anFTA would create.中、澳自由贸易协定谈判从10月开始,迄今已经进行了9个回合。

5)free trade agreement自由贸易协定

1.Policy Adjustments and Choices of Japan in the Development of Free Trade Agreements in the East Asian Region;日本在东亚地区自由贸易协定(FTAs)发展中的政策变化与选择

2.US-Singapore Free Trade Agreement and Its Impacts;《美国—新加坡自由贸易协定》及其影响

3.With the rapid development offree trade agreements(FTA) and international trade in education services,many developed countries have been trying to seek benefits in education service trade through signing FTAs.在自由贸易协定和国际教育服务贸易同时迅速发展的背景下,许多发达国家都力图通过签订自由贸易协定来获取国际教育服务贸易上的利益。

6)global free trade agreement strategy全球自由贸易协定战略


北美自由贸易协定英文North American Free Trade Agreement的缩写,是由美国、加拿大和墨西哥三国组成的自由贸易区。网址:www.nafta-sec-

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