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媒介特质 nature of media英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-31 19:42:40


媒介特质 nature of media英语短句 例句大全

媒介特质,nature of media

1)nature of media媒介特质

2)particular substance media特殊的物质媒介

3)media literacy媒介素质

1.Internet dependence among medical students andmedia literacy education;医学生网络依赖与媒介素质教育


1.Grasp the Media s Attribute of Politics and Moral, Strengthen the Education of Media Quality for College Students;把握媒介政治道德伦理属性,加强大学生媒介素质教育

2.Media literacy: the most significant part for the quality education of youngsters;媒介素养:青少年素质教育的重中之重

3.The Post Tool Age and the Poetic Claim of the Media--on literary genes and aesthetic factors of the media;“后工具时代”与媒介的诗性诉求——兼论媒介的文学基因与审美质素

4.Media Awareness Education and the Enhancement of College Students Humanity Quality;媒介素养教育与大学生人文素质的提升

5.The Necessity of Media Literacy Education in Quality-oriented Education of University;论大学素质教育中媒介素养教育的必要性

6.The New Vision of the Medium Form Changing and Humanities Quality Education;媒介形态变化与人文素质教育的新视野

7.dispersion medium分散介质,分散媒质

8.Investigation on Competence of China"s Colleges Students to Cognize/Utilize Media Literature and Relevant Education Policy大学生媒介素养现状调查及媒介素养教育策略

9.a medium that disseminates printed matter.传播印刷物质的媒介。

10.Abstract: Groundwater is the major carrier for radionuclide migration in the high-level radioactive waste disposal.文摘:在高放废物深地质处置中,地下水是核素迁移的重要媒介。

11.Media Marketing Operation and the Reconstruction of the Civil Servants Media Literacy;媒介市场化运营与公务员媒介素养的重构

12.Media Competence Education in Journalism and Communication in New Media Age;新媒介时代的新闻传播专业媒介素养教育

13.The Media Ecology of Media Literacy Study in Mainland China(1997-);解析大陆地区媒介素养研究的媒介环境(1997-)

14.Young People"s New Media Motive of"To Use-To Meet"and the New Concept of Media Literacy青少年新媒介“使用-满足”动机与新媒介素养观

15.Public Relations of Leadership in Media--A Perspective of Media Understanding领导干部的媒介素养探讨——基于媒介公关视野

16."The Medium is the Message":McLuhan s Phenomenological Intuition on the Universal Medium;“媒介即讯息”:麦克卢汉对媒介本质的现象学直观

17.The Impacts of Commercial Factor on the American Media Education商业因素对美国媒介素养教育的影响

18.My Opinion on the Media Literacy Education;媒介素养教育之我见——从“媒介素养要从青少年抓起”谈起


particular substance media特殊的物质媒介

3)media literacy媒介素质

1.Internet dependence among medical students andmedia literacy education;医学生网络依赖与媒介素质教育

4)media quality媒介素质

1.Describe the definition ofmedia quality andmedia quality education,as well as the significance of cultivatingmedia quality education among college students and the approaches ofmedia quality education for higher vocational college students.叙述媒介素质和媒介素质教育的含义,对高职大学生开展媒介素质教育的重要意义,以及对开展高职大学生媒介素质教育的措施及途径进行了探讨。

2.Themedia quality of the government spokesman refers to various knowledge and ability with regard to media transmission,which consists of an array of basic constituents,including both the knowledge of journalism,mass communication,background,and ability of processing information,communicating with journalists,and using modern mass media technology.政府新闻发言人的媒介素质是指政府新闻发言人所具备的关于媒介传播的各种知识和能力,它由一系列基本要素构成,主要包括新闻学知识、传播学知识、媒体背景知识、选择和处理媒介信息的能力、与记者的沟通和协调能力、利用现代传播技术的能力。

3.The key to implementingmedia quality education is to integrate it into the overall college students quality education system and establish the independent status ofmedia quality courses.媒介素质教育是我国大学生素质教育的新课题。

5)material media物质媒介

1.This thesis explores the formation of the Art of Line from three aspects: the worship of dragon and phoenix; the prevailing of sorcery; the unique aesthetic tastes; the specialmaterial media——writing brush, ink, paper.本文从三个方面探讨了“线的艺术”的生成原因 :龙凤崇拜和巫风长盛的社会风尚 ;尚“简”、会“意”、重“神”的审美趣味 ;以及特殊的物质媒介——毛笔、墨、纸。

6)material medium物质媒介

1.The particularity lies in the historical inexhaustibility of aesthetic value contained in thematerial medium and the regular movement of the static state of the artistic product,etc.依据马克思《1844年经济学哲学手稿》的理论 ,在认定艺术生产是一种独特的生产方式后 ,进一步解释了它与物质生产在形式上的相通性 ,特别又分析了它的独特规律 ,这主要表现为物质媒介蕴含的审美价值的历史无尽性 ,产品对象的静态形式中包涵的律动性 ,艺术主体施用条件及对于对象化成的特殊性 ,这些都可以认为是艺术掌握方式的特殊



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