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天然苏打水 natural soda water英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-25 06:22:00


天然苏打水 natural soda water英语短句 例句大全

天然苏打水,natural soda water

1)natural soda water天然苏打水

1.Thenatural soda water occurs mainly in the pore-fissure confined aquifer of the clastic rock of Nenjiang group,Upper Cretaceous.天然苏打水主要赋存于上白垩统嫩江组碎屑岩孔隙裂隙承压含水层中。


1.Some European countries confirm soda water as medical water, “gold water”, “liver water”, “aristocrat water”.欧美国家将天然苏打水确定为医疗用水,称之“黄金水”、“肝脏水”、“贵族水”。

2.Drinking this soda water can adjust the balance of human acidity and alkali, help people in good condition.饮用天然苏打水,可以调节人体酸碱平衡,促身体健康。

3.pure natural water from a stream or brook; often distinguished from soda water.来自溪流的天然纯净水,通常区别于苏打水。

4.Natural and Smooth--Talks on the Poetic Writing Style of Sudongpo;行云流水,自然天成——谈苏词的创作风格

5.These companies added carbonated water to the syrup and bottled it.这些公司在饮料里添加苏打水,然后再装瓶。

6.Determination of Uranium, Thorium and Potassium Elemental Concentrations in Surface Soils in Suzhou;苏州市土壤~(238)U、~(232)Th、~(40)K天然放射性水平调查

7.The causes and prevention of gas hydrate measures in sulige gasfield苏里格气田天然气水合物成因与防治措施分析

8.Some soda water and mineral water.来点苏打水和矿泉水。

9.Rinse your mouth with water and soda.用苏打水漱一漱你的口。

10.Bourbon with soda water, please .请给我波本酒加苏打水。

11.squirt soda-water into a glass把苏打水倒进玻璃杯

12.fizzy drink made with flavoured soda-water(加调味剂的)苏打汽水

13.three strawberry sodas三客草莓冰激凌苏打水.

14.The Influence Evaluation of Gas-field Exploitation on Groundwater Environment in South Sulige苏里格南区天然气开发对地下水环境的影响评价

15.A year ago the Reagan administration launched-and later backed away from-a campaign to coax U.S. allies in Europe into boycotting Soviet gas一年前,美国里根政府发动了一场劝透欧洲盟国参加抵制苏联天然气的运动,后来又打了退堂鼓。

16.What happened when the alka seltzer was added to the water?当往水里加入苏打水时,会发生什么?

17.Fuck my father with his endless grief, standing behind that bar, sipping on club soda, selling whiskey to firemen and cheering the Bronx Bombers.去我愁眉苦脸的老爸 老是站在吧台后面 啜着苏打水,卖酒给消防员 然后替洋基队加油

18.These are standard threads which have had the rough fibers "gassed" off and which have been immersed in caustic soda to swell the fibers.这种线是普通的线。粗纤维经过烧毛处理,然后浸入苛性的苏打水中,使纤维膨胀。




4)carbonated water苏打水

1.Feasibility Study on the production ofcarbonated water by brewery;啤酒厂生产苏打水可行性研究


6)calcinierite soda无水苏打


天然苏打分子式:Na2CO3·10H2O CAS号:性质:又称泡碱(natron)。天然碱矿的主要矿物组分之一。含氧化钠21.66%。单斜晶系,晶体呈菱形板状,少见;通常呈粒状、柱状、针状、盐霜状、皮壳状或粉末状集合体。无色或白色,有时因含杂质而成灰色或黄色。玻璃光泽。硬度1~1.5。密度1.42~1.48g/cm3。味咸带碱味。置空气中极易失水变成白色,低温下失水变成水碱。易溶于水和盐酸,稍加热即熔,折出水碱。主要产于碱湖、炎热干旱的松散岩石和土壤表面。用以制取纯碱、烧碱、小苏打、泡花碱等。

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