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对流层完备性 troposphere integrity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-02 05:05:39


对流层完备性 troposphere integrity英语短句 例句大全

对流层完备性,troposphere integrity

1)troposphere integrity对流层完备性

2)relative completeness相对完备性

3)ionosphere integrity电离层完备性

4)Complete manifold完备流形

1.In this paper, we will show that propertics of harmonic functions can be used to conclude geometrical and topological statements about complete manifold, then we generalize the results in [9], [1].主要通过讨论调和函数来研究完备流形的几何性质,并推广了[1,9]中的结果。


1.The topology of complete manifolds with nonnegative Ricci curvature and large volume growth;具非负Ricci曲率和大体积增长的完备流形的拓扑(英文)

plete Minimal Submanifolds immersed in a Locauy Symmetric Riemannian Manifold;极小浸入在局部对称黎曼流形中的完备子流形

plete Totally Geodesic Kaehler Submanifolds in CP~n;复射影空间的Kaehler全测地完备子流形

plete submanifolds with parallel mean curvature in a sphere;球面中具有平行中曲率的完备子流形

5.Conformal Gaussian curvature equations on the 2-dimensional complete manifolds with nonnegative curvatures非负曲率完备2维流形上的共形Gauss曲率方程

6.Maximal and Minimal Value Principle of Differentiable Functions on Noncompact Complete Riemannian Manifold非紧完备黎曼流形上可微函数的极值原理

7.The Parallelism of the Rays in a Complete Riemannian Manifold with Nonnegative Curvature非负曲率的完备黎曼流形上的平行射线

8.The Volume Growth of Complete Noncompact Riemannian Manifold with Nonnegative Curvature;具有非负曲率完备非紧流形的体积增长

9.Estimation of the Length of the Second Fundamental from for Complete Minimal Submanifold in Locally Symmetric Spaces;局部对称空间中完备极小子流形的第二基本形式长度估计

plete Hypersurfaces with Constant Mean Curvature in Locally Symmetric Manifold;局部对称黎曼流形中具常平均曲率的完备超曲面

plete Submanifolds in Hyperbolic Space H~(n+p)(-1) With Constant Scalar Curvature;双曲空间H~(n+p)(-1)中具有常数量曲率的完备子流形

plete space-like submanifolds with parallel mean curvature vector in de Sitter spacesde Sitter空间中具有平行平均曲率向量的完备类空子流形

13.A Periodic Properity of Boundary Points of an Unstable Manifold on Completely Densely Ordered Linear Ordered Topological Space完备稠序线性序拓扑空间上不稳定流形的边界点的周期性

14.total anomalous pulmonary venous drainage完全性肺静脉畸形引流

15.Stable and Complete Submanifolds with Constant Mean Curvature and Finite L~p-Norm Curvature in Space Forms;空间形式中具有常平均曲率及有限L~p范数曲率的稳定完备子流形

16.In the ideal power system, the voltage supplying to customer equipment and the resulting load current are perfect sine waves.在理想的电力系统中,向用户设备供电的电压以及所形成的电流是完全的正弦波。

17.we also proved that this formalized theory is neither complete nor model complete.我们也证明了这个形式化的理论既不完备也不模型完备。

18.Some Equivalent Forms of Completeness of Uniform Spaces and the Completeness Theorem of (B_β(X,Y),‖‖_γ);一致空间完备性的几种等价形式与空间(B_β(X,Y),‖‖_γ)的完备性定理


relative completeness相对完备性

3)ionosphere integrity电离层完备性

4)Complete manifold完备流形

1.In this paper, we will show that propertics of harmonic functions can be used to conclude geometrical and topological statements about complete manifold, then we generalize the results in [9], [1].主要通过讨论调和函数来研究完备流形的几何性质,并推广了[1,9]中的结果。

5)immobility of resources资源不完备流动性


1.A circulating proof for solving the problem in fundamental theorems ofcompleteness of real number;实数系完备性基本定理的循环证明

2.The Incompleteness of the Elements withAngular Degree of Fredom;带转角自由度平面单元的不完备性

3.The Completeness of the Formal Deductive System B of Universal Logic in the Ideal Condition;理想状态下泛逻辑的形式演绎系统B的完备性



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