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多媒体网络 multimedia network英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-30 15:10:24


多媒体网络 multimedia network英语短句 例句大全

多媒体网络,multimedia network

1)multimedia network多媒体网络

1.The application ofmultimedia network system of LanStar 2000 in parasitological experiment teaching;LanStar 2000多媒体网络系统在寄生虫学实验教学中的应用

2.Investigation of Multimedia Network Teaching Evaluation System;多媒体网络教学评价系统的探索

3.Adaptive Control of Quality-of-Service for Multimedia Network;多媒体网络服务质量的自适应控制


1.Design and Realization of Teaching Net with Multimedia Network in the Middle School of Feng Huangshan Mine;中学多媒体网络教学网的设计和实现

2.A Report on the FLT Experimentation Based on the Integration of Multimedia & Internet;多媒体网络一体化外语教学实验报告

3.Streaming technology in multimedia online education;多媒体网络教学中的流式媒体传输方式

4.Several Ponders of Network Class Design in Multimedia Network Teaching;多媒体网络教学中网络课件设计的几点思考

5.Red Spider Multimedia Network Classroom" -a good aid in network-aided teaching;“红蜘蛛多媒体网络教室”——网络教学好助手

6.Interactive Multimedia Network Magazine: Digital Media New Product;互动多媒体网络杂志:数字化的传媒新品

7.The Development of Multimedia Network Course of Liberal Arts Physics;《文科物理》多媒体网络课程的开发

8.The Design of Multimedia System Playing in Network Based on Linux;基于Linux的多媒体网络播放系统的设计

9.A Multimedia Multicast System Based on MPEG-4;基于MPEG-4的多媒体网络组播

10.MCNS(Multimedia Cable Network System)多媒体电缆网络系统

11.The Web Design and Application of Gymnastic Multimedia CAI Courseware;体操多媒体课件的网络化设计与应用

12.Apply the Multi-media to the Athletics Teaching with the Network Technique;运用多媒体和网络技术辅助体育教学

13.Application of Technology of Streaming Media in Network Multimedia Courseware;流媒体技术在网络多媒体课件中的应用

14.The Application of Steaming Media Technology in the Network Multi-media Teachings in Universities;流媒体技术在高校网络多媒体教学中的应用

15.Blank Frame of Multimedia Assisted Instruction Software;多媒体教学软件的超媒体空结构——网络篇

16.The Design of Network Teaching and Network Testing System in Multimedia Classroom多媒体课室网络教学与网络考试系统的设计

17.Enables you to stream multimedia content to network users.允许您流化多媒体内容给网络用户。

18.For the network multi-media the teaching grope fored some experiences.为网络多媒体教学摸索了一些经 验。


multi-media network多媒体网络

1.Application ofmulti-media network technology in college English teaching;多媒体网络技术在大学英语教学中的应用

2.In the field of remote satellite tests,multi-media technology develops fast and needs to build amulti-media network.在卫星远程测试领域中,多媒体技术应用越来越广泛,建设多媒体网络的需求越来越大。

3.Becausemulti-media network teaching has advantage of visualization and interaction, applyingmulti-media network to teaching is useful to improve teaching effect and beneficial to optimize traditional teaching method .针对多媒体网络技术在工科机械类课程的教学方法改革中的作用以及存在的问题 ,联系实际运用教学最优化理论进行了分析 ;由于多媒体网络教学具有直观性、知识集成性、可控性等特点 ,因此多媒体网络应用于教学中有利于提高教学效果 ,对传统的教学方法改革和优化有极大的促进作用。

3)multimedia networks多媒体网络

1.Packet scheduling technology is one of the important technical issues in designing wirelessmultimedia networks.分组调度是实现未来无线多媒体网络的关键技术之一。

4)network multimedia网络多媒体

1.Design ofnetwork multimedia transmission system based on streaming media technology;基于流媒体技术的网络多媒体传输系统的设计

2.In terms of constructivist learning theory,A virtual experiment CAI system is put forward,exemplified by chemical experiment in high school withnetwork multimedia technology.从建构主义学习理论出发,应用网络多媒体技术,以《高中化学》课程实验教学为例,开发了虚拟实验计算机辅助教学系统,为高中学习者创建了基于网络多媒体的自主协作型学习环境,有利于激发学习者学习兴趣,从而提高学习效果。

3.In order to solve the problem,We use thenetwork multimedia teaching together with practice in the swimming pool in the swimming course of our university.以往的常规教学已经远远不能满足现代教学的需要,用什么手段能更好的实现教学目的、提高教学效果?就这一问题,在我校游泳的普修课中采用网络多媒体教学,结合水中实践练习进行运用。

5)network multi-media网络多媒体

1.Maths teaching under thenetwork multi-media environment;网络多媒体环境下的数学教学

2.Thus,we should make good use ofnetwork multi-media resource and the guidance of the tutors in order to change the students attitude towards the study,strengthen the education of the modern studying skill,stric.要充分发挥网络多媒体等资源和辅导教师的引导作用,转变学生的学习观念,加强现代学习技能培训,严把形成性考核关,逐步培养学生学习的自主性。

3.Based on thenetwork multi-media application in travel service, the paper analyses the domestic and international situation which travel service should confront and points out the necessity and importance applyingnetwork multi-media in travel service concerning the dovelopment of tourism E.从旅行社的旅游业务出发,分析目前旅行社所面临国际、国内形势,根据旅行社实际业务运作情况探讨网络多媒体在其中的实际应用,针对旅游电子商务的发展趋势提出了目前旅行社应充分应用网络多媒体的必要性和重要性。

6)network multi-media technology网络多媒体技术

1.This paper mainly dealed with the practice and realization of network multi-media in teaching the Principle of Chemical Engineering,also,elaborated the superiority ofnetwork multi-media technology apply to course′s teaching.本文介绍了网络多媒体技术应用于化工原理教学的实践与经验,阐述了该技术用于教学的优越性。


多媒体网络多媒体网络 multimedia network为多媒体通信提供一个网络传输环境,内容包括:网络带宽、信息交换方式、高层协议等,其表现形式为电话网、交换网……。

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