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阶级解放 class liberation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-28 05:42:03


阶级解放 class liberation英语短句 例句大全

阶级解放,class liberation

1)class liberation阶级解放

1.In the May 4th period of feminist movement,the meaning of the female emancipation was understood from the social emancipation,individual emancipation andclass liberation.在五四时期的女性主义运动中,对女性解放的涵义的理解是从社会解放、个性解放、阶级解放这三方面展开的。

2.The goal of Marxistclass liberation is to achieve the free and comprehensive development of humans.马克思阶级解放的目标,是实现每个人的自由而全面发展。


1.On Marx"s Thought Concerning Proletariat"s Liberation Stage论马克思关于无产阶级解放阶段的思想

2.Advancing Side by Side of the Emancipation of Women and the Emancipation of Class--The Thought and the Practice of Women Movement on the Early Stage of Communist Party of China;妇女解放与阶级解放并进——中国共产党早期的妇女运动思想和实践

3.Marx and Engels"s Theory of International Relationship consists of World Trade Market, International War, the Liberation of nation and the Liberation of the proletariat.马克思恩格斯国际关系理论包括世界市场体系理论、际战争理论、族解放和无产阶级解放理论。

4.Before liberation, the working class was a miserable class.解放前,工人阶级是一个受苦受难的阶级。

5.Its aim is to help the proletariat in its struggle for emancipation.他的目的是帮助无产阶级争取解放。

6.The May 4th Movement and the Rising of theProletarian Women Liberation Campaign;“五四”与无产阶级妇女解放运动的兴起

7.Only under the leadership of the proletariat can they achieve their liberation.这些小资产阶级也只有在无产阶级领导之下,才能得到解放。

8.After liberation, the working class turned over to be the leading class in our nation.解放后,工人阶级翻身做了主人,成为我们国家的领导阶级。

9.And only by achieving national liberation will it be possible for the proletariat and other working people to achieve their own emancipation.只有民族得到解放,才有使无产阶级和劳动人民得到解放的可能。

10.It dawned on her that only by emancipating all mankind could the proletariat achieve its own final emancipation,她开始认识到无产阶级只有解放全人类才能最后解放自己。

11.The proletarian women liberation campaign of China began with the May4 th Movement.五四运动是无产阶级妇女解放运动的开端。

12.Cpc s Theory and Policy about Chinese Bourgeoisie During the War of Liberation;解放战争时期中共关于资产阶级的理论与政策

13.A Brief Comment on the Policies of the Communist Party of China Toward the National Bourgeoisie in the War of Liberation;试论解放战争时期党对民族资产阶级的政策

14.The German people are under the heel of this military caste, and it will be a day of rejoicing for the German peasant, artisan and trader when the military caste is broken.德国人民被德国军人阶级践踏,军人阶级解体之日也将是德国农民、工匠和商贩欢欣解放之日。

15.Under the leadership of the CPC, a new epoch of women liberation movement turned out.在中国共产党领导下 ,开创了无产阶级妇女解放运动的新时代。

16.It is impossible for the working class to attain liberation without large numbers of such cadres.没有一大批这样的干部,工人阶级要求得解放是不可能的。

17.Man s Emancipation:Theory and Practice--An Analysis of Lukachi s Aesthetic Ideal in 《History and Class Consciousness》;“人”的解放:理论与实践——浅析卢卡奇《历史与阶级意识》中的审美理想

18.The Exploration on Humanity in the Field of "Class"--Further Research on Sun Li s Outlook on Humanity in Liberated Area;“阶级”视域中的人性言说——孙犁解放区时期的人性观


proletariat liberation无产阶级解放

1.Theproletariat liberation is the same as human liberation in this process.在这个过程中,无产阶级解放与人类解放是一致的。

3)emancipation of proletariat and all mankind无产阶级和全人类解放

1.This paper thinks that Marxism is a subject on how to actualize theemancipation of proletariat and all mankind,which achieves the unification of Marx s philosophy,political economy and scientific socialism and of utility and validity of Marxism.马克思主义学说的学科属性是关于如何实现无产阶级和全人类解放的科学。

4)proletariat women"s liberation movement无产阶级妇女解放运动

5)Class Liberation of Marxist Theory马克思论阶级解放

6)graduated release valve缓解阀;阶段放气阀


阶级解放战争阶级解放战争class liberation war}ieli liefong zhanzheng阶级解放战争(elas、liberati。。war)被压迫阶级为争取阶级解放而进行的战争。是革命战争的一种。有奴隶阶级反抗奴隶主阶级统治的奴隶起义、农民阶级反抗地主阶级统治的农民起义、无产阶级反抗资产阶级统治的人民解放战争等。阶级解放战争是阶级社会的产物。人类进人阶级社会以后,居于统治地位的剥削、压迫阶级与被统治、被剥削、被压迫阶级之间,因经济和政治利益的冲突而产生对抗性矛盾,并进而产生激烈的阶级斗争。阶级解放战争就是阶级斗争的最高和最尖锐的表现形式。阶级解放战争作为推翻反动阶级统治、变革落后生产关系、解放生产力的根本手段,是推动阶级社会发展的直接动力。阶级解放战争的结局,在很大程度上取决于领导权是否掌握在先进阶级和集团的手中,战争指导者是否实行正确的政治路线、军事路线和战略战术。历史上的奴隶起义和农民起义,大都由于阶级的局限或战略指导失误而遭到失败,有的虽然获得成功,但胜利果实却被统治阶级所窃取。无产阶级及其政党领导的解放战争,则代表劳动人民的根本利益和社会发展方向,具有最彻底的革命性。但在胜利之后,存在由于其政党革命性之丧失而丧失阶级解放战争胜利成果的可能。和民族解放战争一样,阶级解放战争通常由武装起义开始。当革命阶级的武装力量处于劣势时,一般采取以袭击为主的游击战作战形式。当双方处于相对均势或革命力量处于优势时,则采取正规作战形式。军事行动常持续几年、十几年甚至更长时间。在未来相当长的历史时期,由于阶级压迫和阶级剥削的存在,阶级解放战争仍然是被压迫阶级获得解放的主要手段。(赖铭传)

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