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骨盆骨骨折 pelvic bone fractures英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-23 09:49:33


骨盆骨骨折 pelvic bone fractures英语短句 例句大全

骨盆骨骨折,pelvic bone fractures

1)pelvic bone fractures骨盆骨骨折

2)pelvis fracture骨盆骨折

1.Observation and nursing care of complications in patients withpelvis fracture;骨盆骨折患者并发症的观察及护理

2.Nursing ofpelvis fracture patients treated by extra-fixer;骨盆骨折患者行外固定支架固定术的护理

3.Objective Explore the nursing problem and countermeasure ofpelvis fracture, in order to raise the curing rate.目的探讨骨盆骨折病人的常见护理问题及对策,以便提高骨盆骨折的治愈率。


1.Surgical treatment of unstable pelvic and acetabular fractures不稳定骨盆骨折合并髋臼骨折的手术治疗

2.Surgical treatment of displaced fracture of acetabulum associated with unstable pelvic fractures移位髋臼骨折合并不稳定骨盆骨折的手术治疗

3.Observation and Nursing of pelivs Fracture With Urethra Injury骨盆骨折合并尿道损伤的观察及护理

4.Acute compression injury to the abdomen is frequently associated with the fractures of the pelvis.腹部的急性挤压损伤常伴有骨盆骨折。

5.Open pelvic fractures:therapeutic strategy and result开放性骨盆骨折:治疗对策与疗效分析


7.Emergency arterial embolization in massive hemorrhage with pelvic fracture骨盆骨折大出血的急诊动脉栓塞治疗

8.Analysis of the Radiological Performance of Pelvic Fracture in Wenchuan Earthquake汶川大地震骨盆骨折放射学表现分析

9.Open reduction and internal fixation for bucket handle fractures of pelvis切开复位内固定治疗桶柄样骨盆骨折

10.Biomechanical Study on the Pelvic Ligaments and Unstable Pelvic Fracture Internal Fixation;骨盆韧带的生物力学研究及旋转不稳定骨盆骨折的治疗

11.The Application in Clinic of the Relation of the Injury of Blood Vessel in Pelvic Fracture and the Classification of Fracture;骨盆骨折血管损伤与骨折类型相关性的临床研究

12.Conclusion: The results are satisfied if vertically unstable pelvic fractures are treated by open reducton and internal fixation operation.结论:垂直不稳定骨盆骨折手术治疗的疗效满意。

13.Objective To discuss the treatment method and effect of unstable pelvic fracture.目的探讨不稳定骨盆骨折治疗方法和效果。

14.The Anatomic and Experiment Study of Vascular Injuries Secondary to Pelvic Fractures;骨盆骨折血管损伤的解剖学基础及影像学研究

15.Meta Analysis of Treatments of Posterior Urethral Injuries Associatied with Pelvic Fractures;骨盆骨折致后尿道损伤处理方式的Meta分析

16.π-shaped Rod Fixation for Unstable Pelvic Fractures: A Biomechanical Evaluation of Its Dynamic Stabilization;骨盆骨折π棒双重固定效应的生物力学研究

17.The Anatomic and Clinical Study of Nerve Injuries Secondary to Pelvic Fractures;骨盆骨折神经损伤的解剖学基础及临床研究

18.The Anatomic and Clinical Study of Vascular Injuries Secondary to Pelvic Fractures;骨盆骨折血管损伤的解剖学基础及临床研究


pelvis fracture骨盆骨折

1.Observation and nursing care of complications in patients withpelvis fracture;骨盆骨折患者并发症的观察及护理

2.Nursing ofpelvis fracture patients treated by extra-fixer;骨盆骨折患者行外固定支架固定术的护理

3.Objective Explore the nursing problem and countermeasure ofpelvis fracture, in order to raise the curing rate.目的探讨骨盆骨折病人的常见护理问题及对策,以便提高骨盆骨折的治愈率。

3)Pelvic fractures骨盆骨折

1.Treatment of vertically unstable pelvic fractures with open reduction and internal fixation;切开复位内固定治疗垂直不稳定骨盆骨折

2.Diagnosis and treatment of unstable pelvic fractures and its complications;不稳定性骨盆骨折及并发症的诊治

3.Applied anatomy of pelvic fractures with arterial injuries;骨盆骨折血管损伤的解剖学基础

4)Pelvic fracture骨盆骨折

1.Effects of recombinant human growth hormone on protein anabolism and immunologic function in elderly pelvic fracture patients;重组人生长激素对老年人骨盆骨折蛋白质代谢及免疫功能的影响

2.Effect of the reduction quality of Tile C type pelvic fracture on the biomechanical stability under internal fixation of the anterior and posterior ring;Tile C型骨盆骨折复位质量对前后环内固定下生物力学稳定性的影响

3.Biomechanical study of internal fixation for vertically unstable pelvic fractures;垂直不稳定骨盆骨折内固定初始稳定性的生物力学研究

5)Fracture of pelvis骨盆骨折

1.The clinical treatment of fracture of pelvis with injury;骨盆骨折合并伤的临床治疗

2.Method X-ray photographs of fracture of pelvis in 112 traffic accident cases,in which the injure manner(impact,fall or run-over)is know,were analyzed statistically with χ~2 examination.目的探讨道路交通事故中骨盆骨折的致伤方式 ,从而有助于交通事故的重建分析。

6)Unstable pelvic fracture不稳定骨盆骨折

1.Interfixation treatment in 21 patients with unstable pelvic fracture;21例不稳定骨盆骨折的内固定治疗


骨盆 由骶骨、尾骨及左、右髋骨连接而成的、人和哺乳动物特有的环状骨架。人的骨盆可分为前上方的大骨盆和后下方的小骨盆。大骨盆两侧均以髋骨的髂翼为界,前方无骨性成分,展开的髂翼承托着肠管。小骨盆具有完整的骨壁,其腔内藏有膀胱、直肠以及女性的子宫和阴道。骨盆对盆腔中的脏器有保护作用。人类骨盆较宽阔,适于直立姿势。骨盆上接腰椎下连股骨,联系着躯干和下肢成一反革命菜结构,因此能承受较大的重量并进行力的传递。落在第五腰椎的重力传至骶骨经骶髂关节传至髋骨,站立时经髋关节传至股骨;坐位时则传向坐结节。骨盆也可以分散由下肢肢传来的支撑反作用力,减缓对胸腹腔脏器和脑髓的震动。骨盆是躯干和下肢运动的中心五一节。如在投标枪、掷铅球的运动中,器械出手前的转体动作,骨盆即作为脊柱的一环而起作用的。骨盆存在着性别差异,这种差异约在10岁后随着性成熟而逐渐显著。男性骨盆狭而长,呈漏斗状;女性骨盆宽而短,呈圆桶形,适应于女性的妊娠分娩。区分男女性骨盆标本可用检测耻骨角大小的方法来鉴别。女性骨盆发育不良或患软骨化症等常可导致骨盆畸形,会造成分娩困难。构成骨盆的髂骨,由髂骨、坐骨和耻骨所构成,其各骨间借软骨互相连接,大约在6~7岁时三骨才开始愈合,到青春期愈合完成。因此如由高处往硬地面跳跃时,容易使未愈合的骨盆发生不易觉察的转位,导致不正常的愈合,女孩尤应注意这一问题。

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