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单穴 single acupoint英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-07 19:45:29


单穴 single acupoint英语短句 例句大全

单穴,single acupoint

1)single acupoint单穴

1.Among the 60 cases, there were 20 insingle acupoint group, one case falling off, 20 in acupoint combination group, 3 cases falling off and 20 in control group without acupuncture treatment.方法:将符合纳入标准的患者100例分为五组,选取其中三组共60例,其中单穴(十七椎)组20例;多穴(三阴交、次髎、地机、十七椎)组20例;空白对照组(不予针刺)20例。


1.Clinical Observation the Curative Effect on Acupuncture Quchi Point VS Acupuncture Both Quchi Point and Taichong Point Treating Essential Hypertension;针刺曲池单穴与针刺曲池、太冲双穴治疗原发性高血压的临床观察

2.Clinical Study on Primary Dysmenorrhea by Pricking Single Acupoint and Combination Acupoint When Pain疼痛时针刺单穴与组穴治疗原发性痛经的临床研究

3.Clinical Study on Primary Dysmenorrhea by Pricking Single Acupoint and Acupoint Combination before the Menstruation经前针刺单穴与多穴治疗原发性痛经的临床研究

4.Contrasting Observation on the Effects between the Auricular Point TF2 and the Group of Relative Auricular Points Using Auricular Points Pressing on Primary Dysmenorrhea耳穴贴压内生殖器单穴及相关群穴对于治疗原发性痛经的对比观察

5.Clinical Observation on Treatment of Cervical Spondylosis of Nerve Root Type with Acupuncture Single Point (Xuanzhong);针刺单穴(悬钟)治疗神经根型颈椎病的临床观察

6.Study on Perilla Biology Character in Adopting Several Stub Per Cave Plan;紫苏单穴多株栽植方式的生物学特性研究

7.Uni-acupoint transcutaneous electrical stimulations to counteract mental fatigue单穴位经皮电刺激对抗脑力疲劳的方法

8.The intertidal beach unit contains some organism burrows.潮间海滩单元含有一些生物潜穴。

9.The Clinical Analysis on Acupoint Catgut Embedding of Simple Obesity;穴位埋线治疗单纯性肥胖症临床分析

10.Clinical Study of Acupoints Plaster Application for Simple Obesity;穴位敷贴治疗单纯性肥胖的临床研究

11.Clinical Study of Acupoints Catgut Implantation for Simple Obesity;穴位埋线治疗单纯性肥胖病临床研究

12.Studies on the Law of Choosing Acupoints of Acupuncture and Moxibustion Treatment for Simple Obsity针灸治疗单纯性肥胖病取穴规律研究

13.Electron-and Hole-spin Relaxations in InAs/GaAs Single Quantum DotsInAs/GaAs单量子点中电子/空穴自旋弛豫

14.Cupping Jar Plum-blossom Needle and Ear Acupuncture Point Cure Simple Fat火罐梅花针配合耳穴治疗单纯性肥胖

15.The Study of Mu-point Acupuncture Combine with Tapping and Pressing Ear Acupoint Therapy in the Simple Obesity针刺募穴结合耳穴治疗单纯性肥胖症的临床研究

16.Clinical Study on Female Simple Obesity Treated by the Method of Catgut Implantation at Acupoint;穴位埋线治疗女性单纯性肥胖症的临床研究

17.Clinical Study on Acupoint Catgut Embedding of Shu-point and Front Mu-point for Treatment of Simple Obesity;俞募配穴法埋线治疗单纯性肥胖的疗效研究

18.Clinical Study on Acupoint Magnet Plastening Therapy for Treatment of Simple Obesity;穴位贴磁疗法治疗单纯性肥胖的临床研究


Single-point electro-acupuncture stimulation therapy单穴电针

3)single cavity mold单穴模


1.Objective To descript the method and the equipment of implantablesingle-point electric stimulation which is designed to continiously and effectively treat the chronic diseases that harm the people\"s health.目的:为实现对目前危害人类健康和造成不良社会影响的一些慢性疾病的长期、有效治疗,提出了植入式单穴位电刺激方法,并设计了仪器。

5)single-cavity centor-gated mold单穴心闸模

6)single-cavity hot-runner mold单穴热道模


回阳九针穴回阳九针穴 回阳九针穴 治疗阳气脱绝的九主要穴位。出《针灸聚英》。即哑门、劳宫、三阴交、涌泉、太溪、中脘、环跳、(足)三里、合谷。

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