失眠网 > 版纳省藤 Calamus nambariensis Becc.var.xishuangbannnaensis S.J.Pei et S.Y.Chen英语短句 例句大全

版纳省藤 Calamus nambariensis Becc.var.xishuangbannnaensis S.J.Pei et S.Y.Chen英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-15 09:42:07


版纳省藤 Calamus nambariensis Becc.var.xishuangbannnaensis S.J.Pei et S.Y.Chen英语短句 例句大全

版纳省藤,Calamus nambariensis Becc.var.xishuangbannnaensis S.J.Pei et S.Y.Chen

1)Calamus nambariensis Becc.var.xishuangbannnaensis S.J.Pei et S.Y.Chen版纳省藤

1.Study on Seedling Traits ofCalamus nambariensis Becc.var.xishuangbannnaensis S.J.Pei et S.Y.Chen Families;版纳省藤家系苗期生长特性的初探

2)Garcinia xipshuanbannaensis版纳藤黄

1.Chemical Constituents from the Fruit ofGarcinia xipshuanbannaensis;版纳藤黄果实的化学成分

2.Chemical constituents from twigs ofGarcinia xipshuanbannaensis版纳藤黄化学成分的研究


1.The GenusCalamus Linn Not Dioecious But Androgynous;省藤不是雌雄异株,而是雌雄同花


1.Any of various climbing palms of the genera Calamus, Daemonorops, or Plectomia of tropical Asia, having long, tough, slender stems.藤,省藤属于省藤属或白藤属的热带亚洲的爬山虎类植物中的任意一种,茎细长而硬朗

2.System Management of C.simplicifolius and D.margaritae Plantations;单叶省藤和黄藤人工林的系统经营技术

3.An Economic Analysis of the Interplanting of Calamus simplicifolius with Gmelina arborea Plantation;单叶省藤与石梓间种的经济效益分析

4.Study on Genetic Diversity and Sex Identification of Daemonorops Margaritae & Calamus Simplificifolius;黄藤和单叶省藤遗传多样性与早期性别鉴定的研究

5.Any of various chiefly tropical Asian climbing palms of the genus Calamus, having strong, flexible stems used as a source of rattan.菖蒲一种主要生长于热带亚洲地区的省藤根茎属攀爬棕榈,具有强硬、柔韧的用以制成藤条的茎

6.Utilization and Development on wild woody Vines Resources Qinghai浅谈青海省野生木质藤本资源及开发利用

7.homeysuckle stem双花藤,忍冬藤,金银花藤

8.Wild Vine Resources in Guangdong Province And Their Utilization for Landscape Gardening广东省野生藤本植物资源及其在园林绿化中的应用

9.Reasons for Reading Literary Works: Comment on Fujii Shozan"s impression of China in Murakami"s heart阅读文学的理由——读藤井省三《村上春树心底的中国》

munity and Landscape Characteristics of Dalbergia benthami in Tengshan Provincial Nature Reserve of Yongtai永泰藤山省级自然保护区两粤黄檀群落及景观特征

11.Of, relating to, or having the nature of vines.藤生植物藤的、关于藤的或有藤属性的

12.FUJIMORI, Alberto阿尔贝托·藤森[藤森谦也

13.An Analysis of the Protective Exploitation of Eco-tourism in Natural Reserves--A Case of Tengshan Provincial Natural Reserve in Yongtai County;自然保护区生态旅游保护性开发研究——以永泰藤山省级自然保护区为例

14.Extraction and Determination of Rhynchophylline and Isorhynchophylline in Ramulus Uncariae cum Uncis钩藤中钩藤碱、异钩藤碱的提取与含量测定

15.vine root fungus葡萄藤的根霉(菌)

16.Roses and Wistarias蔷薇朱藤图(绘画)

17.a dense growth of cane (especially giant cane).浓密生长的藤条(尤指巨藤条)。

18.A vine on which grapes grow.葡萄藤葡萄在其上生长的藤


Garcinia xipshuanbannaensis版纳藤黄

1.Chemical Constituents from the Fruit ofGarcinia xipshuanbannaensis;版纳藤黄果实的化学成分

2.Chemical constituents from twigs ofGarcinia xipshuanbannaensis版纳藤黄化学成分的研究


1.The GenusCalamus Linn Not Dioecious But Androgynous;省藤不是雌雄异株,而是雌雄同花

4)Calamus simplicifolius单叶省藤

1.Rapid Propagation and Flowering ofCalamus simplicifolius in Vitro;单叶省藤萌蘖芽组培快繁技术及试管内开花

2.An Analysis on Growth Character of Tissue Culture Families ofCalamus simplicifolius;单叶省藤组培家系的生长特性分析

3.A comparison on planting effect of tube seedling and normal seed seedling ofCalamus simplicifolius;单叶省藤组培苗与实生苗的造林效果分析


1.Calamus banlingensis, a New Species ofCalamus (Palmae) from Yunnan, China;省藤属(棕榈科)一新种——斑岭省藤

2.Floristic Geography ofCalamus (Palmae:Calamoideae) in China;中国省藤属(棕榈科)区系地理研究

3.A Karyological Study of Four Species inCalamus (Palmae:Calamoideae);省藤属四种植物的核型分析

6)Calamus banlingensis斑岭省藤

1.Calamus banlingensis, a New Species of Calamus (Palmae) from Yunnan, China;省藤属(棕榈科)一新种——斑岭省藤



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