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高校餐饮 college catering英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-07 09:15:10


高校餐饮 college catering英语短句 例句大全

高校餐饮,college catering

1)college catering高校餐饮

1.After logistical socialization reform,college catering market faces great challenges and opportunities.在高校后勤社会化改革后,高校餐饮市场面临着极大的挑战和机遇,文中着重应用ABC分类法对高校餐饮企业采购食品原材料进行分析,论述了高校餐饮企业采购成本控制的重要性。

2.In thecollege catering service process, management in supplying chain is applied, management system in articles flow, controlling, original materials, and information feedback of serviced objects are established, therefore, management ofcollege catering service will tend to scientific way, with the target of improving the management level oncollege catering service.在高校餐饮服务中,通过应用链管理,建立物流管理系统、管理控制系统、资金流管理系统、原材 料管理系统及服务对象信息反馈系统,从而使高校餐饮服务管理走向科学化,达到提高高校餐饮服务管理水平 的目的。


1.The Contradictions and Countermeasures--the Catering Service Work in Colleges and Universities Is Faced with;高校餐饮服务工作面临的矛盾及对策

2.The Design Idea and Achieving Method of University Diet Service Physical Distribution Based on MVC Design Model;基于MVC模式的高校餐饮物流系统的设计与实现

3.Analysis on the Cause,Effect and Countermeasure of Loss of Cooking Personnel in Colleges and Universities;高校餐饮员工流失原因、影响及对策分析

4.Problems of Socialized Catering Service in Colleges and Countermeasures;高校餐饮服务社会化中存在的主要问题及对策

5.Application of ABC Method to College Catering Purchasing Cost Control;ABC分类法在高校餐饮采购成本控制中的应用

6.Applying supplying chain to promote the level of catering service in colleges;应用供应链管理提升高校餐饮服务水平

7.Analysis and Exploration of the Model of Food Service and Management Socialization in College;高校餐饮服务社会化经营管理模式的分析与探索

8.Study on Campus Diet Service Center (CDSC) Design;高校综合餐饮服务中心的设计与研究

9.A Study on the Service Quality Measurement of the Restaurants Around University Based on the SERVQUAL;基于SERVQUAL的高校周边餐饮企业服务质量测评研究

10.The Loss and Stability of Employees of Logistic Catering Service in University;高校后勤餐饮业外聘人员的流失及稳定

11.Measures Taken to Train Prospective Catering Trade Employees after China s Entry into WTO;加入WTO后高职院校餐饮人才培养的应对策略

12.Analysis on Teaching Reform of Food and Drinking Service and Management of Higher Vocational Schools高职院校餐饮服务与管理教学改革探析

13.(4) The catering trade continues to keep a rapid growth.餐饮业继续保持高速增长。

14.How Can Modern Catering Enterprises Increase Their Competitiveness;现代餐饮企业如何提高自身竞争水平

15.On Choices of Strategies for Restaurant Enterprises to Improve Customers Faithfulness;餐饮企业提高顾客忠诚度的策略选择

16.To Raise Benefit of Business & Management of Eating Trade & Service awong the Reform & Development;在改革发展中提高餐饮经营管理效益

17.Important Measures of Increasing Quality-Dependability ofthe Food and Beverage Service;提高餐饮服务质量可靠性的重要措施

18.Construction of Practice-theory Integration Curriculum of "Restaurant Management" in Higher Vocational Schools高职《餐饮管理》理实一体化课程建设


food and beverage service in higher educational institutions高校餐饮

1.The regional feature, basic property and managing aim offood and beverage service in higher educational institutions determine the generality form and individuality character of the construction of food and beverage service personne.高校餐饮改革是高校后勤社会化改革的重要内容,亟须一支具有实干精神、奉献精神和创新精神的人才队伍。

3)catering service in colleges and universities高校餐饮服务

4)academic dining hall高校餐饮建筑

5)medium and top grade catering enterprises中高档餐饮

6)campus dining place校园餐饮场所

1.Distinguishing and appraisement analysis of thecampus dining place environmental effects——take Hubei University issue of three cafeterias for example;校园餐饮场所的环境影响识别与评价分析——以运营中的湖北大学一期三食堂为例


大正餐饮名称: 大正餐饮经营特色:地址: 朝阳区农展馆南路甲1号地段:团结湖地区、白家庄地区营业时间: 4:00-14:00 服 务 费:乘车线路: 坐302、350、734到农展馆南路下车 客 容 量:人均消费:50 停 车 位:

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