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完备市场 complete market英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-13 08:36:32


完备市场 complete market英语短句 例句大全

完备市场,complete market

1)complete market完备市场

1.Continuous-time hedging undercomplete market by BSDEs;连续时间完备市场下利用BSDEs考虑套期保值问题

2.In acomplete market, resources location is Pareto efficient, and risk can be shared and offset.完备市场是一种理想的市场状况,完备市场能够自我实现资源配置的帕累托有效,能够实现风险的分摊和抵消。

3.Financial mathematical knowledge such as partial differential equation,Brownian motion,hedge,risk-neutral probability,option pricing undercomplete market and so on is necessaryly needed.本文的研究方法有等价鞅测度,对冲,随机微分方程及完备市场期权定价理论等金融数学理论,是对传统的Black-Scholes期权定价公式的一次有意义的探索。


1.Analysis on a Financing-model of Public Companies in Incomplete Market;非完备市场下上市公司融资行为的模型分析

2.The Financial Future Markets as a General Equilibriumwith Incomplete Markets;不完备市场一般均衡条件下的金融期货市场的数理分析

3.Exponential Utility Pricing of Participating Life Insurance Contracts under Incomplete Market;不完备市场下分红保险的指数效用定价

4.The Research on Forward Buying-selling Foreign Exchange Pricing in Immature Market;不完备市场下的远期结售汇定价问题研究

5.Option-pricing of Completeness Market and the Choice of Hedging-trade Strategies;完备市场下的期权定价与套期交易策略的选择

6.Consumption-utility Based Pricing of Receipts Produced by a Non-traded Claim不完备市场实物期权消费效用无差别定价

7.The Valuation and Hedging of Some Derivatives under Incompleteness;不完备市场下一类衍生证券的无风险定价与保值

8.Multi-level Governance of Incomplete Markets:A Study Based on Comparative Institutional Experiments不完备市场的多层次治理——基于比较制度实验的研究

9.O n Incom p leteness of Law and Intervention of G overnm ents w ith Fu turesM arket;论法律不完备性与政府介入期货市场

10.Incomplete Law Theory and Its Enlightenment on Regulation of Securities Market in China;不完备法律理论及对我国证券市场监管的启示

11.The power market dues not have the conditions for a completely competitive market, and the short run marginal price is not suitable fur its development.电力市场不具备完全竞争的市场条件,边际定价方法并不完全适用,需要发展。

12.Full of ceremonial display.礼仪完备的,排场大的

13.S ufeng fan Company has a certain economic strength, a good creditable reputation and a perfect market network.苏凤具备相当的经济实力和良好的社会信誉,有着完善的市场网络。

14.BSDE Associated with Levy Processes and Completion of a Levy Market with Power-Jump Assets;带Levy过程的BSDE以及带power-jump资产的Levy市场的完备性

15.The Ju Yuan fruit exchange market is the underling of company which to the biggest and the equipments of it is the most complete of all fruit exchange market is the district.公司下设菊园果品交易市场的是全区规模最大,设施最完备的果品交易市场。

16.In the light of market demand, the MII introduced and improved the license management system with regard to the operation of telecom services, network access of telecom equipment and the philatelic market.根据市场的需要,实行和完善了对经营电信业务、电信设备进网和集邮市场的许可证管理制度。

17.We will improve the market management system and strengthen market oversight.完善市场管理制度,强化市场监管。

18.Improve framework and raise liquidity in the FX market;完善市场框架 提高外汇市场流动性


incomplete markets不完备市场

1.Based on some non-attainable contingent claims which present prices are known in theincomplete markets, the paper provides more investment opportunities to the investers, then modifies the expression of martingale representation theorem,so that the inner risk is reduced.利用不完备市场中有限个当前价格已知的不可获得或有权益来增加投资者投资机会,从而改进鞅表示定理的形式,达到减小内部风险的目的。

3)Immature Market市场完备性

4)Incomplete Financial Markets不完备金融市场

1.A Study of Asset Price in theIncomplete Financial Markets;不完备金融市场的资产定价研究

5)complete market完全市场

1.Under the condition ofcomplete market, the method for determining stochastic discount factor (SDF) is explored and the pricing formula of European option is solved by using SDF so obtained.在完全市场条件下,探讨确定随机贴现因子的方法。

2.This paper discusses that the optimal risk investment is smaller in an incomplete market than in a complete one.本文讨论非完全市场情况下 ,连续时间证券组合中的风险投资小于完全市场情况下的风险投资 ,不完全市场情况下投资者对风险的承受能力小于完全市场情况下投资者对风险的承受力。

6)Perfect Market完善市场


证券发行市场(一级市场、初级市场) 证券发行市场(一级市场、初级市场)——证券发行市场又称一级市场或初级市场,是发行人以筹集资金为目的,按照一定的法律规定和发行程序,向投资者出售新证券所形成的市场。证券发行市场作为一个抽象的市场,其买卖成交活动并不局限于一个固定的场所。

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