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完全市场经济地位 complete market economic status英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-16 13:47:42


完全市场经济地位 complete market economic status英语短句 例句大全

完全市场经济地位,complete market economic status

1)complete market economic status完全市场经济地位

1.The obtaining ofcomplete market economic status of other country will effect significantly Foreign Anti-dumping and Countervailing to China.获得外国对中国"完全市场经济地位"的认可,将对外国对华反倾销与反补贴产生重要的影响:首先外国对华反倾销不能再采用"第三替代国标准",以反倾销形式出现的反补贴将恢复反补贴的本来面目;其次是针对我国采取的反补贴措施,其中在我国获得完全市场经济地位前已有或可能有的仍然难以避免;最后是在获得完全市场经济地位后,其他国家可能对我国同时发起反倾销与反补贴诉讼。


1.China’s Diplomatic Effort on Promoting the Acknowledgement of its Full Market Economy Status;中国推动完全市场经济地位承认的外交努力

2.Recognition of China’s Full Market Economic Status by U.S. in Light of Game Theory;美国承认中国完全市场经济地位的博弈论分析

3.Foreign Anti-dumping and Countervailing to China After Gaining Market Economic Status;“完全市场经济地位”与对华反倾销反补贴

4.Talking on Market Economy after Entering WTO:How Far to Establish the Complete Market Economy Environment;中国离完全市场经济地位有多远?——“入世”之后话“入市”:

5.Bo appreciated the comments from the Swiss side.薄熙来对瑞士在欧洲中国家率先承认中国完全市场经济地位表示高度赞赏。

6.On Cultivating Market Players, to Improve Socialist Market Economic System;健全市场主体 完善市场经济体制

7.Wholy-New Status of Tax Revenue on Market Economy and Its Counters-measures;略论税收在市场经济中的全新地位、问题及对策

8.Economic Globalization and the Complement and Improvement of the Chinese Market Economy System;经济全球化与我国市场经济模式的健全与完善


10.Macroeconomic Optimal Models of Imperfect Competitive Markets;非完全竞争市场的宏观经济优化模型

11.The Position of Market Economy and China s Reform of Market Economy System;市场经济地位与中国市场经济体制改革

12.On Civil Society and Establishment of Complete Market Economy System;浅议市民社会与完全市场经济体制的建立

13.Further Study of Market Economy Status of China--And comment on EU s primary assessment of China s Market Economy Status;再论中国市场经济地位——兼评欧盟对中国市场经济地位的初步评估

14.Incompleted-Market Economy and China Social Security Institutional Construction;不完全市场经济与中国社会保障制度建构

15.Perfect the System of Agricultural Protection in Market Economy;市场经济条件下农业保护体系的健全与完善

16.Institution Innovation of Middle and Small Private Enterprise under Full Market Economy;完全市场经济条件下民营中小企业制度创新

17.An Ethical Query to the Marketization of Health Care Reform;卫生经济伦理学对医疗完全市场化的质疑

18.The Improvement and Perfection of the Accounting Supervision System in the Market Economic System;市场经济体制下会计监督体系的完善与健全


incompleted-market economy不完全市场经济

1.Chapter one dissertates the concept and the essential character of a market economy andincompleted-market economy, It holds that the definition ofincompleted-market economy is the basis for the study on social security and management.第一章市场经济、不完全市场经济与社会保障主要介绍市场经济及其社会风险特征、在市场经济与不完全市场经济条件下社会保障的不同要求等问题。

3)market economy status市场经济地位

1.The Study on the Problem and Countermeasures of Market Economy Status to Answer the Anti-Dumping;应对反倾销中“市场经济地位”的问题与对策研究

2.For the current situation of more frequent European and American anti-dumping cases against China covering larger product varieties and bringing about increased taxation,based on relevant data and real cases,causes were analyzed from the views of export structure,response mechanism andmarket economy status,etc.在阐述近年来中国出口产品遭受的欧美反倾销立案次数频繁、产品范围扩大、税收幅度增加等特点的基础上,以相关的数据和事实为例,从中国出口结构、应对机制、市场经济地位等角度对欧美对华反倾销的原因进行分析,指出加入WTO后中国应当利用WTO有关规则来应对不公正的对华反倾销。

3.To make Europe and US recognize themarket economy status of our country,their standards with which evaluation of market economy is carried out should be understood,and causes hampering our country to get the recognition ofmarket economy status are explained.市场经济地位在反倾销诉讼中起着关键性的作用。

4)non-market economy非市场经济地位

1.Since china entered WTO,much discussion about the status ofnon-market economy has stood out day by day.中国“入世”以来,有关“非市场经济地位”问题的争论日趋突出,尤其是以欧美为首的发达国家更是拒绝承认我国的市场经济地位,这给我国出口经济乃至国内经济的平稳发展都带来了较大的负面影响。

5)non-market economy status非市场经济地位

1.The impact of the EUnon-market economy status system on China s enterprises;欧盟非市场经济地位制度对我国企业的影响

2.Research on the Effect of Sino-American Trade by the Non-market Economy Status;“非市场经济地位”对中美贸易影响研究

3.The article analysis the advantage and disadvantage of "non-market economy status",and discusses how to answer the question of "non-market economy status" of China.我国的"非市场经济地位"间接地加大了我国应对反倾销的成本,为国外向我国征收高额反倾销税或确定倾销成立提供了便利,是国外对华滥用反倾销起诉的一个客观因素,但"非市场经济地位"并没有影响到我国外贸大局。

6)market economic status市场经济地位

1.Since China’s entry into the WTO, it has been trying with every effort to make its fullmarket economic status be recognized by more countries.中国加入WTO以来,一直致力于让更多的国家承认中国市场经济地位。

2.Themarket economic status has gradually becoming the hotspot in .市场经济地位在逐渐成为世界关注的经济热点。

3.This year several countries have formally admitted China themarket economic status.在今年若干国家正式承认了中国的市场经济地位的国际背景下,美国和欧盟却宣称暂时不给予中国市场经济地位。



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