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阴虚燥热 yin deficiency and dryness heat英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-02 04:25:48


阴虚燥热 yin deficiency and dryness heat英语短句 例句大全

阴虚燥热,yin deficiency and dryness heat

1)yin deficiency and dryness heat阴虚燥热

1.Clinical researches and literature have showed that Xiaoke results fromyin deficiency and dryness heat in symptoms, and from kidney yang insufficiency in root, so yang warming therapy is an essential method in the treatment of Xiaoke.通过临床观察及古今文献研究 ,认为消渴病的病机当以阴虚燥热为标 ,肾气 (阳 )虚为本 ,温阳法治疗消渴病为治本之法 ,临床有明显疗效。


1.Insulin Combined with Traditional Chinese Medicine in Newly-diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes with Extreme Heat due to Yin Deficiency胰岛素联合中药治疗阴虚燥热型初诊2型糖尿病的临床疗效观察

2.Chinese medicine practitioners from dialectical point of view, "old chronic bronchitis" is a scorching Shanglin, injury-a long illness, Qiyinliangxu Syndrome.从中医辩证的角度来看,“老慢支”属燥热伤阴、久病伤气、气阴两虚。

3.Relationship between Chinese Medicine Pattern with Blood Levels of Sex Hormone,Lipid and Glucose in Climacteric Women Patients with Hypertension女性更年期高血压病阴虚内燥证和非阴虚内燥证与性激素及血脂血糖水平的相关性研究

4.The Clinical Research of the Chronic Pharyngitis of Type of Lung-dryness Due to Deficiency of YIN with the Treatment of the Nourishing Yin Relieving Sore-throat and Adjusting Blood Recipe养阴利咽调血汤治疗阴虚肺燥型慢性咽炎的临床研究

5.Clinic Research on Treating Primary Sjogren"s Syndrome with the Method of Yan Yin Sheng Jin, Run Zao Tong Luo Ways养阴生津、润燥通络法治疗原发性干燥综合征阴虚络滞证的临床研究

6.Experimental Study on Urban Sludge Drying by Applying a Polarized Electric Field with Cathodic Heat Wall;城市污泥加热面阴极化干燥法的实验研究

7.Study on Correlation between Sex Hormones, Lipid, Blood Glucose and Yin-xu-nei-zao of Female Climacteric Hypertension女性高血压病(更年期)阴虚内燥证与性激素及血脂血糖的相关研究

8.The Influence of Nourishing Yin Clearing Heat Capsule to Internal Heat Due to Yin Deficiency Type SLE in Gene and Protein Expression;滋阴清热方对SLE阴虚内热证患者PBMC基因及蛋白表达谱的影响

9.Study the Dynamic Influence of Nourishing Yin Clearing Heat Formula on Gene and Protein Expression of PBMC of SLE with Internal Heat Due to Yin Deficiency;滋阴清热方对阴虚内热证SLE白细胞基因及蛋白表达谱的动态影响

10.The Clinical Research on the Children with Kidney Blood in Urine with the Yang Yin Qing Re Huo Xue Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine;养阴清热活血方治疗小儿阴虚内热型肾性血尿的临床观察

11.Study of Acute Radiation Oral Mucositis of Yin Deficiency Inner Heat Treated by Nourishing Yin and Clearing Heat;滋阴清热法对阴虚内热证急性放射性口腔炎的临床研究

12.Clinical Study with Method of Qing Gan Xie Xin and Zi Yin Run Zao in Treating Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Xin Gan Yu Re Syndrome;清肝泻心 滋阴润燥法治疗糖尿病(心肝郁热证)的临床研究

13.Regulation of Glucocorticoid and Glucocorticoid Receptor mRNA of SLE of Yin Vacuity by Ziyinglangchaung Capsule;滋阴狼疮胶囊治疗阴虚内热型SLE的疗效评价及对GC、GRmRNA的影响

14.A Clinical Study on the Treatment of Active Lupus Nephritis with the Method of Yin-Nourishing, Detoxifying and Promoting Blood Flow (YNDPBF);滋阴解毒祛瘀法治疗阴虚内热型狼疮性肾炎的临床研究

15.Clinical Study on Ziyin Qingre Method for Liver and Kidney-yin Deficiency of Perimenopausal Syndrome滋阴清热法治疗肝肾阴虚型围绝经期综合征的临床研究

16.Clinical Study of Using TCM Therapy Expelling Damp-heat by Boosting Qi and Nourishing Yin to Treat Chronic Glomerulonephritis of Dual Vacuity of Qi and Yin益气养阴清热利湿法治疗慢性肾小球肾炎(气阴两虚证)的临床观察

17.76 Cases of systemic lupus erythematosus of yin deficiency inner heat treating by Ziyin Lupus capsule滋阴狼疮胶囊辅助治疗阴虚内热型系统性红斑狼疮76例

18.Clinical Study on Treatment 82 Cases of Chronic Primary Glomemlopathy with Deficiency of Yin with Damp-heat Symptom with Dan Shao Tang丹芍汤治疗阴虚湿热型慢性肾炎82例临床研究


the type of deficiency of Yin and interior heat阴虚燥热型

3)Yin vacuity with blood dryness阴虚血燥

4)lung-dryness due to deficiency of YIN阴虚肺燥

1.Objective: This study was a large number of clinical practice and literature studies, establishing the main treatment method of the nourishing yin and moisturizing dryness-syndrome, detoxication and relieving sore-throat, promoting and supporting blood circulation, to treat the chronic pharyngitis of type oflung-dryness due to deficiency of YIN.目的:本研究通过大量的临床实践及文献研究,确立了滋阴润燥、解毒利咽、活血养血为治疗阴虚肺燥型慢性咽炎的主要治法。

5)syndrome of Yin Deficiency and Blood Dryness阴虚血燥证

1.Decoction of Jia Jian Xiao Yin Jie Du (JJXYJD) is got from my advisor Zhou De Ying s years of clinical practice, it is also developed from Decoction of Xiao Yin Jie Du which is frequently used by well-known Chinese Medicine Doctor Jin Qi Feng and it is used to treat normal PSORIASISsyndrome of Yin Deficiency and Blood Dryness.加减消银解毒汤是导师周德瑛通过多年的临床实践,在著名老中医金起凤教授消银解毒汤的基础上进行加减化裁而来,用以治疗寻常型银屑病阴虚血燥证。

6)syndrome of lung dryness due to yin deficiency阴虚肺燥证



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