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特殊侵权责任 liability for special tort英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-05 13:38:58


特殊侵权责任 liability for special tort英语短句 例句大全

特殊侵权责任,liability for special tort

1)liability for special tort特殊侵权责任

1.Review on theliability for special tort of one accident in high-altitude operation;一起高空作业事故的特殊侵权责任评析

2.By using the methods of comparative jurisprudence and historic analysis,this paper analyses the necessity,possibility and legislation mode of the general article ofliability for special tort.运用比较法和历史分析方法,对特殊侵权责任一般条款化问题的必要性和可能性以及立法模式进行了分析和探讨,认为特殊侵权责任一般条款化在我国有着特殊的价值,在我国未来立法中,应设立特殊侵权责任一般条款,同时对一些特殊侵权责任进行列举式规定。


1.Review on the liability for special tort of one accident in high-altitude operation;一起高空作业事故的特殊侵权责任评析

2.The Sense of Special Tort Liability --The Extent of the High-Risk Operation;特殊侵权责任的意识——析高度危险作业的范围

3.The Elaboration on the Burden of Proof Allocation in the Special Tort Cases特殊侵权案件中的证明责任分配释论

4.Research on China Liability Fixation of the Special Torts;我国特殊民事侵权行为归责原则研究

5.Specific Characteristics of Defective Food Infringement and Confirmation of its Liability Subject--A case study of Sanlu论缺陷食品侵权特殊性及其责任主体的确定——以三鹿奶粉侵权事件为视角

6.Analysis on Tort Liability of Flight Delay without Default;航班无责延误后的侵权分析——《侵权行为法》的一个特殊问题

7.Service Liability for Tort Is an Independent Quality Liability for Tort;服务侵权责任是独立的质量侵权责任

8.Moreover, the special marine risk makes the subjects of the liability of marine tort law show ampliative tendency.而且海上活动的特殊风险性也使得承担海上侵权责任的主体呈现扩大趋势。

9.On the Basic Features of Civil Tort Responsibility for Injury Accidents in Primary and Secondary School;论学校事故侵权民事责任归责原则的基本特征

10.The Legislative Choice of Tort Law about the Joint Act of Tort and its Liability;共同侵权行为及其责任的侵权责任法立法抉择

11.Thoughts on School s Special Civil Responsibilities in Teacher s Sexual Harassment to Student;教师对学生性侵犯中学校特殊民事责任的比较法学思考

12.Intentional Torts.Negligence. Strict Liability.知识点:故意侵权.过失侵权.严格责任.

13.The Impact of Liability Insurance on Tort Liability;浅议责任保险对民事侵权责任的影响

14.On Faith-breach and Tort Liability s Competition and Integration s Choice;浅析违约责任与侵权责任竞合的取舍

15.On Questions of Liability for Tort and Liability for Breach of Faith;略论侵权责任和违约责任的几个问题

16.On the Principle of Equitable Liability of Tort Liability Act in our Country浅议我国侵权责任法之公平责任原则

17.System of Imputation Principles of Infringement Liability for Absolute Right And its Liability Undertaking;绝对权侵权责任归责原则体系及其责任承担

18.Study on Principle of Liability Attribution of Tort Liability in Road Traffic Accident;道路交通事故侵权责任归责原则研究


the responsibility for special infringement of consumer rights特殊消费侵权责任

3)Civil liability for Special Tort特殊侵权民事责任

4)special responsibility特殊责任

5)tort liability侵权责任

1.On Relationship Between Tort Liability and Special Relief for Adverse Drug Reactions;论药品不良反应的专门救济与侵权责任的关系

2.Research on the Tort Liability of Malicious Prosecution;恶意诉讼侵权责任的研究

6)liability for tort侵权责任

1.In case of an injury on campus,Schools shall bearliability for tort with presumption of fault on their part.通过学生校园伤害事故中学校承担民事责任现状的分析,认为学校对学生的教育、管理和保护义务在性质上属安全保障义务,并应以此为基础建立统一的学校侵权责任制度。

pared withliability for tort by active act,liability for tort by non-acting is to protect rights when acting obligation is breached,its theory bases are the principle of faithfulness and credit and pinciple of public order and kind custom.不作为侵权责任与作为侵权责任相对应,关注的是作为义务被违反时的权利救济问题,其民法理论根源在于诚实信用与公序良俗原则。



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