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醒脾 enlivening the spleen英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-25 11:38:27


醒脾 enlivening the spleen英语短句 例句大全

醒脾,enlivening the spleen

1)enlivening the spleen醒脾


1.The Clinical Observation of the Treatment with HuGanXingPi Soup in the 50 Cases with Alcoholic Liver Disease护肝醒脾汤治疗酒精性肝病50例临床观察

2.Effects of Hugan Xingpi Decoction on Liver Iinjury Caused by Alcohol in Rats护肝醒脾汤对大鼠酒精性肝损伤作用的实验研究

3.Wake up, lazybones. You"ll miss your breakfast again and be grumpy all morning.醒来吧,懒骨头。不然你就要耽误了早饭,闹一早晨脾气了。

4.My daughter is bad-tempered all day if she doesn"t get enough beauty sleep.如果我女儿没有睡醒,那么她会因此一整天发脾气。

5.He was mentally clear, but appeared to be fussy, irritable, and was hard to please.他神志清醒,可是显得很急躁,爱发脾气,还没办法让他高兴起来。

6.He had awakened from his torpor altogether off his head, and was inclined to be violent, babbling incessantly about some boat-race on the Cam.他已从昏迷状态中醒了过来,但神志不清,脾气暴躁,不断地念叨什么在剑河上赛船的事情。

7.Now, come on, son. Come on, son.醒醒, 孩子。醒醒, 孩子。

8.Wake up, wake up, go to school.醒来,醒来上学去,

9.Wake up, wake up, brush your teeth.醒来,醒来刷刷牙,

10.Wake up, wake up, wash your hands.醒来,醒来洗洗手,

11."Old Cheng! Old Cheng! Wake up!“老程!老程!醒醒

12.wreak one"s bad temper [ angry ] on对...发脾气[怒]

13."What! Furious, is he?"“什么——发脾气?”

14.Don"t disturb him. He"s still hung over from last night.别吵醒他,他宿醉仍未醒。

15.Wake up, Betty. Wake up, Betty.贝蒂,醒来了。贝蒂,醒来了。

16.Wake up, my sleeping beauty,“醒醒吧,我的睡美人,”

17.Wake up ! It" s eight o" clock.醒醒吧! 已经八点钟了.

18.Bloggs shook him roughly."Wake up, you dozy bastard, wake up!"布洛格斯用力摇着他说:“醒醒,快醒醒,你这瞌睡虫


XING PI appetizer醒脾开胃

3)Xingpikaiyu Formula醒脾开郁方

1.Objective To investigate the effect ofXingpikaiyu Formula(XF)on monoamine neurotransmitters in cortex and hippocampus of rat model of depression.目的研究醒脾开郁方对抑郁症大鼠模型海马及皮层的单胺类递质的影响。

4)Huganxingpi Soup护肝醒脾汤

1.The Clinical Study on Alcoholic Fatty Liver Treaded byHuganxingpi Soup;护肝醒脾汤治疗酒精性脂肪肝36例临床观察

5)Xiaoshi Xingpi Kaiwei消食醒脾开胃散

1.Xiaoshi Xingpi Kaiwei Powder for children anorexia:an observation of 83 cases;消食醒脾开胃散治疗小儿厌食症83例疗效观察

6)Xingpi yang er chongji醒脾养儿冲剂

1.Clinical trial ofXingpi yang er chongji in the treatment of child iron deficiency anemia;醒脾养儿冲剂治疗小儿缺铁性贫血临床研究


醒脾醒脾 醒脾 治疗学术语。指用芳香健脾药健运脾气以治疗脾为湿困,运化无力的病证。

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