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Module 6 The Internet and Telecommunications_高一英语教案

时间:2023-01-26 03:33:03


Module 6 The Internet and Telecommunications_高一英语教案

module 6 the internet and telecommunications

cultural corner

teaching objectives:

*help students to do a class survey about the use of mobile phones in the form of group work;

*guide the students to know about text messages and emoticons and introduce the rules of shortening words by reading comprehension; besides, make sure the students can use what they’ve learnt to communicate with persons by sending text messages;

*encourage the students to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the use of these kinds of words and emoticons by comparing the changes of chinese character and english words.


*how to guide the students to perform a good debate.


by doing a survey, students are able to conclude on a certain topic, and in the way of exploring, students share what they have observed or found through teamwork. besides, in the form of debate, the advantages and disadvantages of the changes of languages will be discussed.

help students to take notes while reading.

teaching aid: computer

teaching procedure:

word study and warming up

activate the students to list the names of some new things about telecommunications. then focus on one item of them – mobile phone.

direction: the way of activating the students to list the new things about telecommunications is to divide the students into two groups and choose a student from each group write down the words his/her group members mention on the blackboard in the form of competition. the more, the better. and the words must be correct.

motivate the students to do a survey about the use of mobile phones after some warming-up activities. then text messages become the topic.

direction: encourage the students to choose five classmates to talk to, and they can stand up and talk around as long as they can finish the survey. and then they should draw a conclusion about the main use of mobile phones.

cultural corner

according to their survey, ask them how to write text messages, and then lead in the passage on page 59.

reading comprehension with the help of some questions on the students’ page. questions are listed as follows:

group work to solve the difficulty from the textbook:

1.where have you been? i’ve been waiting hours for a call

2.do you want to go to the cinema tonight?

3.i ‘ve got a text mssge from my friend. she’s having a party on saturday. do you want to come? direction: guide the students to work in groups to solve the problems together.

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