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Our Body and Healthy Habits教案_高一英语教案

时间:2019-03-13 23:20:26


Our Body and Healthy Habits教案_高一英语教案

our body and healthy habits教案

period 5writing; cultural corner; task; module file



this period contains four parts. the first part aims at improving students’ logical thinking by placing random sentences in order. they are also expected to put what they learned into practice, that is, to write a short paragraph about health problems. in the next part, they will learn about the health care system of some countries such as britain, america and canada. through the reading of this passage, not only will their reading skills be trained, but they will also reflect on the health care system of our own country and thus know better about our country. students are required to prepare a survey about healthy living in task, which can not only train students’ speaking ability, but also can raise students’ awareness of cooperation. the last part is actually a summary of the whole module, through which students may know where their weak points lie and thus can make up for them.


1. 知识与技能

1)develop students’ communicating skills.

2)train students’ reading ability.

3)learn the following phrases: pay for, as a result, work for, stop doing, begin with, do a survey with, take turns. . .

4)learn the following sentence patterns:

britain was the first country in the world to have a free health care system paid for by the government. (be the first +n. +to do sth. )

this is because the government has not put enough money into the health service. (this/that is because +clause. )

the problem with this system is that poorer people don’t have the money to pay for private healthy insurance. (the problem with sth. )

2. 过程与方法

1)discussion to know more about the health care system of some countries.

2)explanations to understand the passage better.

3)practice to train students’ writing skills.

4)help students have a good knowledge of what they learnt in this module.

3. 情感与价值

through the study of this period, students will surely improve their logical thinking. besides, they can learn more about the health care system of some foreign countries. at the same time, they will consciously compare the health care system of china with that of foreign countries.


1. train students’ logical thinking by putting some sentences in the right order.

2. improve their reading skills.

3. acquaint them with the health care system of foreign countries.

4. help them master and apply what they have learnt in this module.


1. lead the students to be active in class.

2. develop students’ wring skills.

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