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Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia学案_高一英语教案

时间:2023-11-13 00:20:41


Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia学案_高一英语教案

module 4 sandstorms in asia学案

teaching plan ---- module 4 sandstorms in asia

language points


n. ① a mass of ice / coal / rocks

② a mass of / masses of + n / c.n /

eg. i have great massed of unanswered letters.

i have masses of work to do.

there are masses of work to do.

there was a mass of children in the yard.

③ /pl/ the masses

eg. the masses are the true makers of history.

④ the mass of… → most of … / the majority of …

eg. the reform is unpopular with the mass of teachers.

⑤ 质量(物)einstein studied the relation of energy and mass.

⑥ 做定语 mass media / basis / meeting / demonstration

⑦ in the mass → in general

eg. they are good citizens in the mass.

adj. mass production / market

weapon of mass destruction

v. → come together; get… together

eg. the general massed his troops for a final attack.

dark clouds massed on the horizon.


n. ① a series of planned activities that are intended to achieve a particular social, commercial or political aim.

② a series of attacks and battles that are intended to achieve a particular military aim during the war.

conduct / launch a campaign

vi + for / against


n. ①进程,过程(为达到某一目标)

eg. coming off the drug is a long and painful process.

middle east peace process


eg. the digestive / eating process


eg. manufacturing process

④ in the process of …

eg. a new building is in the process of being constructed.

in the process of time the job will be done.

v. 加工,冲印,审阅,数据处理

4. strength

n. ① 气力,体力,力量

eg. bill hasn’t the strength to carry such a heavy load.

② 强度,浓度,效力

eg. the medicine has lost its strength.

they built a wall of great strength.

③ 力量所在,优势

eg. math is her strength. strengths and weaknesses

④ 兵力,人力

eg. what is the total strength of the enemy?

below / under strength 兵力不足

full strength 全员,满额

⑤ 意志力

⑥ in strength大量,大群

on the strength of… 根据,依靠,由于…

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