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高二英语Making a difference教案_高二英语教案

时间:2024-02-09 20:08:01


高二英语Making a difference教案_高二英语教案

unit 1 making a difference

section ii 阅读

8. imagine this: you are twenty-one years old and a promising graduate student at one of the top universities in the world. 想像一下:你已21岁,是世界上一流大学里很有前途的毕业生。(p.3 reading 第一段 第1行)

(1) promising 是形容词,意为“有前途的,有希望的”。如: ① he is a promising new painter.他是位很有前途的新画家。② the weather looks promising. 天气看来有望好转。③ the wheat crop looks promising. 看来小麦有望获得好收成。

【链接】promise作动词用时,可意为“有希望……,可能会(有)……”,后接名词或不定式。如: ① the rainbow promises fair weather. 彩虹表明将有好天气。② this year promises to be another good one for harvests. 今年看来又是个丰收年。

(2) top用作形容词时意为“顶的;顶上的;最高的;头等的”。如: ① when he studied in paris, he lived in a small room 0n the top floor. 在巴黎学习时,他住在顶层的一个小房间里。② we should drive at top speed in order to catch up with them. 要赶上他们,我们应以最快速度行驶。③ top officials 最高级官员④ the top news 头条新闻

9. there did not seem much point in working on my phd — i did not expect to survive that long. 取得博士学位对我来说没有什么意义,我没有期望活那么久。(p.3 reading 第二段 第1行)

1) there did not seem...是there be句型的变体,类似情况还有: ① there appeared (to be) a war between them. 他们之间似乎有场战争。② there used to be a cinema here before the war. 战前这儿有一座电影院。③ there"s sure to be someone in the room. 房间里肯定有人。④ there is said to be a debate among the students about the new rule. 有关这项新规定据说在学生中有一场辩论。⑤ once upon a time, there lived a man known by the name of joe. 从前有一个名叫乔的人。⑥ there came a knock at the door. 传来敲门声。⑦ in front of the school gate there stands an old tree. 校门前有一棵老树。⑧ there remains only twenty-eight pounds. 只剩28英镑。

2) there"s no point in doing sth. 表示“做某事没有作用或意义”。如: ① there"s no point in arguing further. 继续争执下去没有意义。② there"s very little point in protesting. it won"t help much. 抗议没有什么用,于事无补。

【拓展】point意为“作用,用处,道理,意义”。如: ① what"s the point in telling her again? 再告诉她有什么用呢? ② i didn"t see any point in his speech. 我看不出他的演讲有什么意义。

【短语】come to the point 谈正题,谈主要问题; beside / off the point 不切正题,无关紧要; in point of fact 实际上,事实上; to the point 中肯,切题

3) work on 意为“继续工作”,也可表示“从事于”。如: ① they"ll work on till sunset. 他们将继续工作,直到日落。② he"s working on a new novel. 他正在写一本新的小说。

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