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儿科用药 pediatric drugs英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-30 23:28:37


儿科用药 pediatric drugs英语短句 例句大全

儿科用药,pediatric drugs

1)pediatric drugs儿科用药


1.Drug for pediatric and ADR monitoring in hospital儿科用药与医院开展药品不良反应监测

2.Investigation on Adverse Reactions and Their Prevention of Pediatric Drugs;儿科用药药物不良反应发生及防治的调查研究

3.METHODS: The paediatric medication strategy set up by British Drug and Health Product Administration Bureau was introduced, and the current situation and problems in paediatric medication were analyzed.方法:介绍英国药品及保健产品管理局制订的儿科用药战略,分析儿科用药的现状与存在的问题。

4.OBJECTIVE: To provide the reference for the Chinese government to establish medication policy in paediatrics.目的:为我国制订儿科用药政策提供参考。

5.Carrying out pediatric pharmaceutical care and improving the level of clinical use of drugs开展儿科药学服务 促进临床合理用药

6.On the Role and Points of Pediatric Pharmacy Drug Advisory Services谈儿科药房药物咨询服务作用和要点

7.Survey and analysis of drug use beyond scope of package inserts in pediatrics of our hospital儿科药品说明书之外的用法用药调查与分析

8.Review of Pediatric Utilization of Antibacterials in Outpatients of Our Hospital我院儿科门诊抗菌药物使用调查分析

9.Analysis of the Second-Generation Antihistamines Clinical Application for Children第二代抗组胺药物在儿科的临床应用

10.Analysis of the Use of Antibiotic for 630 Child Inpatients630例儿科住院患者抗菌药物使用分析

11.Analysis of the Usage of Antibacterials in Pediatric Inpatients儿科住院病例抗菌药物使用情况分析

12.Reasonable analysis of the application of medication for the digestive system儿科消化系统常用药物联合应用合理性分析

13.Analysis of Antipyretic Usage in Pediatric Emergency Cases of Nanhua Hospital;解热药在南华医院儿科急诊中使用情况分析

14.Changes in Antimicrobial Drug Use in Pediatrics of a General Hospital for Nearly 10 Years:A Comparative Analysis综合医院儿科抗菌药物使用变迁比较分析

15.Pediatric out-patient hospital use of antimicrobial agents prescribed analysis我院儿科门诊处方抗菌药物应用调查分析

16.Investigation and analysis of the rational uses of antibiotics for outpatient in pediatrics儿科门诊抗菌药物使用合理性调查分析

17.Analysis of Antibacterial Utilization in Paediatrics of Our Hospital下半年我院儿科抗菌药物使用调查分析

18.Investigation on the Application of Antibiotics in Pediatrics and Study on Antibiotic Resistances of the Common Pathogenic Bacteria儿科病房抗菌药物应用调查及常见致病菌耐药性分析


Dosage Form and Its Application in Pediatrics剂型与儿科用药

3)Pediatric drug儿科药品

4)Pediatric pharmaceuticals小儿用药

5)Pediatric drugs儿童用药

1.OBJECTIVE:To discuss about the system of reevaluating pediatric drugs.目的 :探讨我国儿童用药评价体系。

6)pediatric pharmacology儿科药理学


5FU联合用药方案5FU联合用药方案主要用于滋养细胞肿瘤晚期(ⅢB和Ⅳ期)病人,通常两药合用。5FU加KSM(更生霉素)或5FU加AT1258(消瘤芥)。联合用药时5FU用量减至每天每千克体重26mg左右,KSM用量为每天每千克体重6μg(一般每天用300μg),分别溶于1000ml 5%葡萄糖溶液中,先滴5FU,完后用KSM。5FU加AT1258方案:AT1258 1次用量20~30mg,5FU每千克体重26mg,先静脉注射AT1258再滴5FU,两药合用8天为一疗程。间隔为3周。对耐药病人,如耐药原因是5FU用药量偏小,则常用5FU加KSM加AT1258三药联合应用,其剂量与二药联合方案相同。必要时三药方案与长春新碱合用,先用长春新碱1~2mg,再依次用AT1258,5FU和KSM,三药剂量不减,但疗程缩短至5~6天。疗程间隔为4周,依不良反应消退时间而定。

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