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禁摩 motorcycle forbidden ban英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-11 03:18:31


禁摩 motorcycle forbidden ban英语短句 例句大全

禁摩,motorcycle forbidden ban

1)motorcycle forbidden ban禁摩

1.In view of the increasingly serious traffic problems caused by motorcycle,several large and medium-sized cities in China implementedmotorcycle forbidden ban.以广州市为例,通过分析"禁摩"后摩托车交通量向其他方式转移和居民出行方式的变化,研究"禁摩"后交通方式转型期的特点。


1.Analysis from the Effect of "Confined Motorcycles" Policy for Jiangmen Motorcycle Industry“禁摩”政策对江门摩托车产业的影响分析

2.Traffic Countermeasures Research for Guangzhou City in Traffic Mode Transferring Period after "Motorcycle Forbidden Ban" Effect广州市“禁摩”后交通方式转型期的交通对策研究

3.Multidimensional Analysis of Policy Process Theory--Based on "Jin Mo" in Guangzhou City;政策过程理论的多维分析——以广州市“禁摩”政策为例

4.On the Issues about Loss Compensation of Liminting Property Excessively--Thought about the "rule of prohibiting motor"论财产权过度限制的损失补偿制度——以“禁摩令”案为例

5.The problem and approach in administration institutionalize perspectiving "forbidding and restricting motorcycle";从“禁限摩”看我国行政法治中存在的问题及对策

6.The Religious Taboo and Its Cultural Connotation in the Architectual Art for Mosuo People;摩梭建筑艺术中的宗教禁忌与文化内涵

7."Then Joshua, the son of Nun, who had been Moses" servant from the time when he was a child, said, My lord Moses, let them be stopped."摩西的帮手,嫩的儿子约书亚,就是摩西所拣选的一个人,说,请我主摩西禁止他们。

8.A ban on the recreational use of snowmobiles was being phased in until the Bush administration canceled it.禁用娱乐性摩托雪橇的禁令也在逐步实施,直到布什政府将其取消为止。

9.A holistic body massages using essential oils to harmonize the body, mind and spirit. The course teaches the massage technique, benefits, contra-indication and simple blending technique.教授全身按摩技巧、效益、禁忌,及如何配合精华油按摩身体,以消除紧张压力、平衡身心。

10.Enlightenment for Gautama[ the Buddha] felt as though a prison which had confined him for thousands of lifetimes had broken open.觉悟对于乔达摩(陀)说,就如监禁他千年的牢狱被打破了。

11.Enlightenment for Gautama [the Buddha] felt as though a prison which had confined him for thousands of lifetimes had broken open.觉悟对于乔达摩(佛陀)来说,就如监禁他千年的牢狱被打破了。

12.In chapter 18 of Leviticus, Moses spoke to the entire of Israel that no one is to approach any close relative to have sexual relations.《利未记》第 18章中 ,“摩西”向他的族人提出了“勿乱骨肉之亲”的婚姻禁忌。

13.In December the courts sided with the plaintiffs, reinstituting the plan for a park without recreational snowmobiles.12月法院支持了原告的起诉,恢复在国家公园内禁用娱乐性摩托雪橇的计划。

14.Morgan. Owen Morgan.摩根。欧文?摩根。

15.Disable cookies禁用 cookie

16.prohibitive laws, road signs禁律、 禁止通行的路标.

17.persons imprisoned, detained or restricted被监禁、拘留和软禁的人

18.raise a blockade, a ban, an embargo解除封锁、 禁令、 禁运.


"forbidding motorcycle" policy"禁摩"政策

3)forbidding and restricting motorcycle禁限摩

1.The problem and approach in administration institutionalize perspectiving "forbidding and restricting motorcycle";从“禁限摩”看我国行政法治中存在的问题及对策

4)rule of prohibiting motor禁摩令

1.On the Issues about Loss Compensation of Liminting Property Excessively——Thought about the "rule of prohibiting motor"论财产权过度限制的损失补偿制度——以“禁摩令”案为例

5)Post prohibiting motorcycle era后"禁摩"时代


1.Interpretation of "Taboo" and Procreation Worship of Trees;释“禁”——兼谈树木的生殖崇拜



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