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徽州文书 Huizhou documents英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-22 14:22:31


徽州文书 Huizhou documents英语短句 例句大全

徽州文书,Huizhou documents

1)Huizhou documents徽州文书

1.This paper has affirmedHuizhou documents historical data value and academic value,outlined the Huizhou document classification and study situation.在肯定了徽州文书的史料价值和学术价值后,概述了徽州文书传统的分类整理情况。

2.So far the academic circles haven t agreed on a unified measuring standard ofHuizhou documents,whereas this is a problem that should be solved first in the collection ofHuizhou documents.学术界到目前为止还没有统一的关于徽州文书统计计量的标准,而这却是徽州文书整理工作中首先要解决的问题。

3.The fundamental reason that the studies of Huizhou has become a new sub discipline lies in the discovery of theHuizhou documents.徽学之所以成为一门新学科 ,根本原因是大量徽州文书的发现 ;没有徽州文书 ,就不可能出现徽学。


1.Huizhou Documents and Huizhou Society--on the Value of Huizhou Documents;徽州文书与徽州社会——也谈徽州契约文书的价值意义

2.Design of Metadata Standard for Huizhou Document Digital Library徽州文书数字图书馆元数据标准设计

3.Origin,Discovery,Collection and Collation of the Documents of Hui Zhou;徽州文书的由来、发现、收藏与整理

4.The Tutor s Emolument in Huizhou Old-Style Private School in the Qing Dynasty--Based on the Second Volume of Huizhou Documents;清代徽州塾师的束脩——以《徽州文书》第二辑资料为中心

5.Issues Concerning Capital of Huizhou Merchants in the Qing Dynasty;清代徽商资本诸问题探析——以《徽州文书》第一辑为依据

6.The Normal Education and Its Difficult Position of Late Qing Dynasty from Huizhou Local Documents徽州文书所见清末地方师范教育及其困境

7.Xia System and the Preservation of Folk Document in Huizhou公匣制度与明清徽州民间文书的保存

8.The Civil Dispute and Lawsuit during the Qing Dynasty from the Huizhou Millennium Contract Documents;从《徽州千年契约文书》看清代徽州民间纠纷和诉讼

9.An Investigation and Analysis of the Literary Form of the Documents of Divisionof Family Assets(Fenjia Wenshu)of Qing Dynasty Huizhou;对清代徽州分家文书书写程式的考察与分析

10.Remains and Research Values of Huizhou YuLinTuCe徽州鱼鳞图册文书的遗存及其研究价值

11.On Fang split and Fang alternation in public affairs management of Huizhou in lineages in Ming-Qing Dynasties;明清徽州宗族的分房与轮房——以文书资料为中心

12.Research on Social Adaptation of Lineages in Huizhou in View of Existed Contract Documents;从几份契约文书看徽州宗族的社会调适

13.A Profile of Huizhou′s Commercial Culture;徽州商业文化的一个侧面——反映民国时期上海徽州学徒生活的十封书信

14.Decline of Book Engraving Industry in Huizhou and Its Relationship with Huizhou Merchants;徽州刻书业的衰落及其与徽商的关系

15.Folk Intermediation and Its Evolution in Huizhou of Ming and Qing Dynasties;明清徽州的民间调处及其演变——以文书资料为中心的考察

16.On Formation of Village Documents in Huizhou:Case Studies on Two Kinds of Hand-Copied Documents;徽州村落文书的形成——以《新安上溪源程氏乡局记》抄本二种为例

17.The Civil Dispute and lawsuit during the Ming and Qing Dynasties from Huizhou genealogies and contracts;从明清徽州谱牒与文书看当时社会的民间纠纷与诉讼

18.The Contrastive Study of Fengyang Academy and Huizhou Academy in Ming Dynasty;明代凤阳府和徽州府书院发展之比较


The Huizhou Documents and the Studies of Huizhou徽州文书与徽学

3)Huizhou contract documents徽州契约文书

1.The paper corrects some language errors made by former scholars in their collation and research ofHuizhou contract documents,and explains the causes for those errors,thus recovering their original visage.将前贤在整理和研究徽州契约文书时因忽视语言文字问题而出现的、带有普遍性的语言文字讹误,加以归类整理,并进行考释、校正,恢复徽州契约文书的本来面貌。

4)Huizhou collection of books徽州藏书

5)the character and features of Huizhou" Documents徽州文书的性质和特点

6)Huizhou Millennium Contract Documents《徽州千年契约文书》

1.Textual criticism to the name ofHuizhou Millennium Contract Documents《徽州千年契约文书》契名考校



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