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现实成熟的人生感悟说说 句句言之有理 值得收藏!

时间:2023-12-11 18:04:43


现实成熟的人生感悟说说 句句言之有理 值得收藏!

一、一念一世界,一梦一轮回。生活是一种感知,人活着是一种心情。 无论是谁,这一生总是要经历苦难的,人生总是苦乐参半的,生活总是充满希望,同时充满遗憾。从一个婴儿呱呱坠地的那一天起,哭声与泪水,就注定了今后要独自面对生活中的风吹雨打,风霜刀剑。Read a world, dream a cycle. Life is a perception, and living is a mood. Whoever is, this life is always going through hardships, life is always bitter and happy, life is always full of hope, but also full of regret. From the day when a baby crashed to the ground, crying and tears were destined to face the wind and rain in life alone in the future.

二、 做为这个世界上的匆匆行者,每一段人生,都赋予我们对生命的不同理解,也许我们走的并不完美,但也在努力绽放,也许会有迷失,但不要抱怨,没有路可以重走,没有人可以重来。As a hurrier in the world, every section of life gives us different understanding of life. Maybe we are not perfect, but we are trying to blossom, maybe we are lost, but don complain, there is no way to go, no one can come back.

三、我也曾自私的想抛开一切世俗,去寻找只属于自己的安乐。只是过往就像撩人的琴,断了弦也要弥漫着离殇的回响。其实我害怕孤单害怕灵魂深处的孤单,我只是渴望一种依靠一种真实的依靠,仅此而已。I also selfishly wanted to put aside all the secular, to find only their own happiness. But the past is like a touching piano, broken strings will also be filled with the echo of death. In fact, I am afraid of loneliness and fear of loneliness in the depths of my soul. I just want to rely on a kind of real dependence, thats all.

四、春暖花开,谁是谁的谁,欠下今世的缘,生死注定,人生无常 ,只是一个斑斓的记忆,擦去人生的感悟,错过最初的自己。她跟我说了很多我以前不知道的事,那个坚定要和他在一起的心墙好像塌了,找了个机会我提出了分手。

Spring blossom, who is who, who owes the fate of this world, life and death are doomed, life is uncertain, just a colorful memory, erase the feelings of life, miss the original oneself. She told me a lot of things I didn know before. The heart wall that was determined to be with him seemed to collapse. I took a chance to break up.

五、我爱你,爱了整整一个曾经,从无知到成熟,从冲动到沉静。你的世界我来过,感谢你赠我一场空欢喜。我真的爱你,闭上眼,以为我能忘记,但流下的眼泪,却没有骗到自己。I love you, love a whole once, from ignorance to maturity, from impulse to silence. Thank you for giving me an empty joy. I really love you, close my eyes, think I can forget, but shed tears, but did not deceive myself.


The garbage in the heart is poured regularly, the unpleasant people and things are deleted from the memory, and the formatting of themselves is the only way to store happy space. There is no thing that can be passed, only the mood that can be passed; if the mood is clear, there will be no rainy day in life.


Don bet on providence, don guess the hearts of people; Providence you can bet, the hearts of people you can guess. When we reach a certain age, we should stop pursuing hypocritical things, and we don have much time to waste in our life. Be down-to-earth and pragmatic. Be relaxed, comfortable and happy with whoever you are with.

八、总有一天我们的棱角都会被世界磨平,会拔掉身上的刺,会学着对讨厌的人微笑,会变成一个不动声色的人。其实很多的毛病根源在于习惯,习惯一个人的存在,习惯依赖。可是在这个世界上,不能太依赖别人,因为即使是你的影子,也会在黑暗时离开你的。Someday our edges and corners will be flattened by the world, we will pull out the thorns on our bodies, we will learn to smile at those who hate us, and we will become a quiet person. In fact, many problems are rooted in habits, habits of a persons existence, habitual dependence. But in this world, you can rely too much on others, because even your shadow will leave you in the dark.

九、放弃很简单,可忘记一个人却很难。真正的绝望不是世界沦陷全球被淹没,而是当你快被淹死时,却看到周遭的人都能随心所欲地呼吸。Its easy to give up, but its hard to forget someone. The real despair is not that the world falls into global submergence, but that when you are about to drown, you see that everyone around you can breathe as you please.

十、累不是一种无能,而是一种担当。累了,因为你懂了;累了,因为担子重了。你也知道,只要你后退,甚至彻底放弃,你就不会再累了。可是你不想也不能。所有的担当,都是为了明天比今天更好。Tired is not a kind of incompetence, but a kind of undertaking. Tired, because you understand; tired, because the burden is heavy. You know, as long as you step back and even give up completely, you won be tired any more. But you don want to, you can . All the responsibilities are for tomorrow to be better than today.

十一、我不介意出卖我的青春。青春不卖也是会过的。光阴可以消磨我们的风华,却带给我们成熟的魅力;风尘能够暗淡我们的容颜,却将一份智慧与淡定浸润在我们的心灵。I don mind betraying my youth. Youth will pass without selling. Time can wear off our elegance, but bring us mature charm; dust can dim our face, but will infiltrate a wisdom and calm in our hearts.

十二、人生总要遇见些让你无法接受但又不得不接受的事情,那些不知所措的突发事件总是在一遍遍的考验你的耐力,修养,以及那懵懂脆弱的内心,当被不断锤炼的内心越来越强大时,一切都不过是浮云。不要因他人的低下素养,就降低自身的高度,只需要站在高处看着他如何摔倒就好,不笑不闹,静而处之。There are always things that you can accept but have to accept in your life. The unexpected events that you don know what to do always test your endurance, self-cultivation, and the ignorance of your fragile heart over and over again. When your tempered heart becomes stronger and stronger, everything is just floating clouds. Don lower your own height because of other peoples low accomplishment. Just stand up and watch how he falls. Don laugh, don make a fuss, and stay quiet.

十三、她一直都是属于我的这点你必须牢记这是我的最高誓言但你是第一个破坏它的给我听好了我不会再说第二次也不会再跟你多费口舌所以你一定要坚强但并非充满暴力我会永远爱你但仅次于爱你妈妈毋庸置疑She has always belonged to me. You must remember that this is my highest vow, but you are the first to break it. Listen to me, I won say again and I won bother with you any more. So you must be strong but not full of violence. I will love you forever, but next only to your mother, no doubt.

十四、别把自己想的太伟大,要知道,在别人的世界里。不管你做得再好,你都只是一个配角。有些话,你不经意的说出口,我却很认真地难过很久很久。一切只是因为,我在乎。Don think too great of yourself, you know, in other peoples world. No matter how well you do, you are just a supporting role. Some words, you inadvertently say, but I am very seriously sad for a long time. Its all because I care.

十五、不轻言放弃,是对梦想的执着;不轻易服输,是对成功的渴望;不逃避现实,是对生活的热爱;不停地努力,是对人生的追求。愿你成就精彩,乐享人生!Not giving up easily is the persistence of dreams; not easily giving up is the desire for success; not escaping from reality is the love of life; constantly striving is the pursuit of life. Wish you a wonderful achievement and enjoy your life!

十六、人多时,管住嘴。话多、错多、是非多,自找麻烦;人少时,管住心。妄念、妄想、痛苦多,自找烦恼。天冷了,本想买一件羽绒服的,挺贵的,然后再想想买点感冒药才几十块钱。嗯,还是买感冒药划算一点。Keep your mouth shut when there are too many people. More words, more mistakes, more right and wrong, ask for trouble; when people are small, take care. Delusions, delusions, pains, self-seeking troubles. Its getting cold. I wanted to buy a down jacket. Its very expensive. Then I want to buy some cold medicine. Its only a few tens of dollars. Well, its better to buy cold medicine.

十七、如果我主动找你了,一定不是我突然想起你了,而是我太想你了。感情要拿得起放得下,你来我当你不会走,你走我当你没来过。很多人常常自以为阅人无数,只要一打眼就能看出一个人的品性,就是如此,我们很容易用自己所掌握的经验,给别人贴上标签,做出判断。If I take the initiative to find you, its not that I suddenly think of you, but that I miss you so much. Feelings should be affordable to put down, you come to me when you will not go, you go when you have not come. Many people often think that they can read countless people, as long as they can see a persons character at a glance, that is, we can easily use our own experience to label others and make judgments.

十八、越长时间不说话,就越难找到可说的话题。同理,事情搁置的时间越长,就越难以讨论。时间在变,人也会变。人生是要慢慢的成熟的。每个人都渴望有幸福的人生,但是不一定拥有得多的人就真正拥有幸福。要想幸福就要懂得人与人如何相处,所以我们要了解幸福,认识幸福,从而得到一生美满的幸福。The longer you stay silent, the harder it is to find a topic to talk about. Similarly, the longer things are put on hold, the harder it is to discuss them. Time changes, so does man. Life is to mature slowly. Everyone is eager to have a happy life, but not necessarily have a lot of people really have happiness. If we want to be happy, we need to know how people get along with each other, so we need to know happiness, know happiness, so as to get a life of happiness.

十九、有些缘分是天注定的有些人早晚是会再相遇的可有些感情,注定是没有结果的。你生命的前半辈子或许属于别人,活在别人的认为里。那把后半辈子还给你自己,去追随你内在的声音Some fates are doomed by heaven. Some people will meet again sooner or later. Some feelings are doomed to be fruitless. The first half of your life may belong to someone else and live in someone elses opinion. Give yourself the rest of your life to follow your inner voice

二十、人生的一切结局,皆源于当初的一个选择。三年前的选择,决定了今天的你我;今天的选择,决定了三年后的你我。选择决定命运,选择决定前途。我们的人生就是由我们自己一系列的选择所决定的。Every outcome of life comes from an original choice. The choice of three years ago determines todays you and me; todays choice determines three years laters you and me. Choice decides fate, choice decides future. Our life is determined by our own series of choices.

二十一、选对了成功,选错了失败;选对了幸福,选错了痛苦。任何选择都是有代价的,结果都得我们自己承受,所以有个成语叫做“自作自受”。我们的人生都是自己“作”出来的,所以自己必须接受一切后果。Choose the right success, choose the wrong failure; choose the right happiness, choose the wrong pain. Any choice comes at a price, and the result has to be borne by ourselves. So there is an idiom called "take it for yourself". Our life is made by ourselves, so we must accept all the consequences.

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