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心情不好时发的句子 伤感落寞 句句心酸

时间:2019-12-10 09:27:56


心情不好时发的句子 伤感落寞 句句心酸

那些无处安放的情感 就让它各归各位吧 你别来 我一个人也无恙。

Those feelings that have no place to put, let them belong to everyone. Don come. Im fine alone.

从你忍心伤害我的那一刻起 我就知道 我的感受 你一定从没考虑过。

From the moment you had the heart to hurt me, I knew how I felt. You must have never considered it.


You are afraid of this winter and can blow away the regret of this year.


Love a person is a robbery, some people survive, some people are doomed

"其实也不是在挑什么, 就是害怕好不容易找到的一个人,最后却还不如一个人"

"In fact, Im not picking anything, but Im afraid that a person who is not easy to find will be inferior to a person in the end."


I hope you don look like the wind. You set off waves here and went to the distance with the clouds.


You are a dream that I can finish in my poor life, and Im just the wind blowing between your thoughts.


"If Im qualified to send your name, I don need any copywriting."

人间失格有这样一句话:我的骄傲不允许我把这崩溃的日子告诉别人只有我知道 只是一夜间 我的心就变得判若两人.

There is a saying about human disqualification: my pride does not allow me to tell others about this broken day. Only I know that my heart becomes different overnight

这次 我站在屋里 连自己都看不清.

This time I stood in the fog and couldn see myself clearly

你向我问遍了我家人的所有情况 却只字未提我 我到底是有多差劲啊!

You asked me everything about my family, but you didn mention me. How bad am I!


There were too many times to stop talking. Later, I didn even have the idea to speak


The past events that are said by the light clouds and the light wind are all pressed at the bottom of my heart


"When you really like someone, you always feel that the other person likes you a little. Its just self deception."



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