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经典入心的名人金句 精致美好 值得摘抄下来收藏

时间:2022-10-23 15:03:28


经典入心的名人金句 精致美好 值得摘抄下来收藏


Mr. Yang Jiang once said, "everyone has an extremely difficult time, such as the embarrassment of life, the frustration of work and the hesitation of love. If you survive, you will suddenly be enlightened. However, time will teach you to shake hands and make peace with them.


An Ruyi said, "it turns out that you need to wait until the wind lives in the dust and fragrant flowers are exhausted before you can see the final wind, clear moon and full moon."


Yu Qiuyu said, "no one should avoid and cover up some of the most simple and natural life topics, such as age.


Murakami Chunshu said, "you have to be a quiet adult. You are not allowed to be emotional, Miss secretly, look back and live another life."


Poetic fireworks, as Jia Ke said: "I think a beautiful place condenses into memories. Later, I often think of it, but it is still warm, which can reach the cold of ten years. The mountain is still a mountain, I am still myself, and I still walk like that, happy and worried, not fast or slow."


Yu Qiuyu said: "once the life pattern is large, people will not sink in trivial life. People who are truly confident can always be simple and powerful."


Painter Feng Zikai said, "don be confused in your heart, don be trapped in your feelings. Don be afraid of the future, don read the past. So, be safe."


Mibor said: "one of the most important manifestations of beauty is the nobility and sense of responsibility of people who shoulder responsibilities.


When self-discipline becomes an instinctive habit, you will enjoy its happiness—— Haruki Murakami


I especially like Thoreaus words: "the ideal life is just the courage to pursue your heart, do what you like, become the person you want to be, and live the life you want in the way you like."


Bi Shumin wrote in priceless filial piety: "parents still have a place to come in life, and parents only have a way home."


Yi Shu said: "it is impossible to rely on others in life and hope to be respected by others."


Zhang Ailing said, "not every effort will yield results, but every harvest must be made. This is an unfair and irreversible proposition


Lin Qingxuan also said: "happiness is often hidden in ordinary things. As long as you add a snack, ordinary days will become lovely, amiable and miss."



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