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经典现实语录句子 让人深思 值得分享朋友圈

时间:2021-04-07 13:08:11


经典现实语录句子 让人深思 值得分享朋友圈


Even if very, very hard, as long as you have the courage topersist, no matter how big the mountain, no matter how wide the sea.If you run hard, the other side of the sky will not be far away!


You don need to remember yesterday, you don need to lookforward to tomorrow, you just need to live each day seriously, saywhat you can say, do what you can do, walk the road you have to walk.


Life is full of surprises and disappointments. There are just theright encounter, there are heartbreaking nostalgia, but time isalways moving forward, there is no mercy. I hope you can live up toyour dreams.


When we meet difficulties, we may have chosen to keep fighting orgive up. Take up the challenge or back down? Is more frustrated morebrave or more depressed? Are you willing to fall or try to saveyourself?


In fact, failure and success coexist, pain and happiness coexist,frustrations contain opportunities, setbacks contain harvest, twistsand turns hidden philosophy. Frustration is not only the paving stoneof success, but also the touchstone of will, and the grindstone ofability. Laughing at it, using it as motivation, making it a leap, anexperience, a gain, a enjoyment, will make us more energetic, moreenthusiastic, and more confident.


In life, a lot of things lie in themselves, a lot of feelings liein the individual. The way to the heart is wide, the heart isdifficult. To be a man needs heart, and to do things needs hard work.


Mind needs to be open, mind needs to be flat! Cherish thehappiness around you, cherish what you have, can not bear to putdown, do not understand to look down on, do not understand to throwaway, hate to cure.


Don care about what others think, don always look at otherslife, regret your choice, stick to what you think is right, do whatyou want to do.

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