失眠网 > 治愈系情感句子:宁愿高傲地离开她 也不愿卑微的存在

治愈系情感句子:宁愿高傲地离开她 也不愿卑微的存在

时间:2023-03-21 10:57:07


治愈系情感句子:宁愿高傲地离开她 也不愿卑微的存在


Do you like a girl who doesn like herself like me? I wonder if you can understand the feeling of falling in love with someone who can be together? If you like a person who doesn belong to you, you even care about it secretly. You don even have a proper identity to eat vinegar.


You are priceless here, but I seem to be cheap in your place. I am like a useless item. You can think of me only when you need it. In fact, I understand that I have never been so important in your heart.


Have you ever thought about giving up on someone? In fact, sometimes we want to give up a person, not because we don like her, not because we have changed our heart, nor because we don love her anymore, but because we are not so important in her heart. She didn really care about us.




If the person we love has been carrying an umbrella for others, why should we wait for her in the rain with an umbrella?


For the feelings we can get, the most rational and correct way is to give up. Because the more things we can get, we will think and read every day, so you won feel very distressed?


This relationship is clearly you provoked me first, but the first one is me. When you said to leave, I was reluctant to part with me. Once you said that you would never leave me, would you make me sad, but now I am sad because of you, you give me.

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