失眠网 > 果断收藏!中考提分必备!初中英语第3-4单元知识点最全面总结


时间:2024-03-05 17:51:34



七上 Unit 3 Is this your pencil?


pencil /"pensl/ n. 铅笔

book /buk/ n. 书

eraser /i"reizə/ n. 橡皮

box /bɒks/ n. 箱;盒

pencil box 铅笔盒;文具盒

school bag /"sku:lbæg/ n. 书包

dictionary /"dikʃənəri/ n. 词典;字典

his /hiz/ pron. 他的

mine /main/ pron. 我的

hers /hə:z/ pron. 她的

excuse /ik"skju:z/ v. 原谅;宽恕

me /mi:/ pron. (I的宾格)我

excuse me 劳驾;请原谅

thank /θæŋk/ v. 感谢;谢谢

teacher /"ti:tʃə/ n. 老师;教师

about //ə"baut/ prep. 关于

What about...?(询问消息或提出建议..怎么样?

yours /jɔ:z/ pron. 你的;你们的

for /fɔ:/ prep. 为了;给;对

thank you for... 为......而感谢

help /help/ v.&n. 帮助;援助

welcome /"welkəm/ adj. 受欢迎的

You"re welcome. 别客气。

baseball /"beisbɔ:l/ n. 棒球

watch /wɒtʃ/ n. 表;手表

computer /kəm"pju:tə/ n. 计算机;电脑

game /geim/ n. 游戏;运动;比赛

card /kɑ:d/ n. 卡片

ID card 学生卡;身份证

notebook /"nəutbuk/ n. 笔记本

ring /riŋ/ n. 戒指

bag /bæg/ n. 袋;包

in /in/ prep. 在......里

library /"laibrəri/ n. 图书馆

ask /ɑ:sk/ v. 请求;要求;询问

ask... for... 请求;恳求(给予)

find /faind/ v. (过去分词 found)找到;发现

some /sʌm/ adj. 一些;某些

classroom /"klɑ:sru:m/ n. 教室

e-mail /"emeil/ n. (=email)电子邮件

at /æt/ prep. 按照;根据;在(某处、某时间时刻)

call /kɔ:l/ v. (给......)打电话

lost /lɒst/ v. (动词lose的过去式)遗失;丢失

must /mʌst/ modal v. 必须

set /set/ n. 一套;一副;一组

a set of 一套;一副;一组


1. backpack名词,意思是 "双肩背包 "

backpack是个合成词, back背部+pack 背包=backpack

拓展: pencil 铅笔+case盒子=pencil-case铅笔盒

note笔记+book 书;本 =notebook 笔记本

2. dictionary 名词,意思是 "字典,词典 "

例如:一本汉英词典 a Chinese-English dictionary

一本英汉词典 an English-Chinese dictionary

拓展:查字典 look up a word in a dictionary

3. ring 名词,意思是 "环(状物);戒指 "

例如:一个钥匙环 a key ring

拓展:ring 动词,意思是 "铃响;打电话 "。

※ The bell rings. Let "s have our lessons.


※ If you have any questions, please ring me up.


4.Call 动词,意思是 "打电话 ",后跟人或电话号码

(1)call=telephone或 phone,


Please call me tomorrow.

请拨打 235-0285。 Please call 235-0285.

拓展:call 还可以作为名词,意思是 "(一次)电话,通话 "


Please give your parents a call.

5.at 介词,"以,在(点钟);在(里面或附近)


He gets up at six o "clock.

他现在在学校。 He is at school now.

6.lost and found 失物招领

当某人丢失东西时,可用 Lost 的形式张贴出海报即 "寻物

启示",而当有人拾到他人物品时,可用 Found 的形式贴出海报,即 "失物招领 "。

1. 单元重点短语

have a good day 过得愉快

pencil box 铅笔盒

excuse me 打扰了

thank you 谢谢你

the blue pen 这支蓝色的钢笔

Anna"s book 安娜的书

ID card 身份证

school ID card 学生证

computer game 电子游戏

in the school library 在学校图书馆

ask…for …向…要…

e-mail sb 给某人发电子邮件

call sb 给某人打电话

lose sth 丢失某物

find sth 拾到某物

a set of keys 一串钥匙

lost and found 失物招领


1. — What "s this? 这是什么?

— It "s a watch. 一块手表。

— How do you spell it? 你如何拼写它?

W-A-T-C-H. W-A-T-C-H 。

2.—Is this/that your pencil? 这是/ 那是你的铅笔吗?

— Yes, it is. It "s mine. /No, it isn "t. It " s his. 是的。它是我的。 / 不。它是他的。

3.—Excuse me ,is this your pencil? 打扰一下,请问这是你的铅笔吗?

— Yes,thank you. 是的,谢谢你。

4.—Are these your books? 这些是你的书吗?

— Yes, they are. They are mine. 是的。它们是我的。

5. 一 Are those your keys? 那些是你的钥匙吗?

— No ,they aren "t. They "re Bob. 不。它们是鲍勃的。

6. Thank you for your help. 谢谢你的帮助。

7. — The blue pen is his. 这支蓝色钢笔是他的。

— What about this dictionary? 那这本字典呢?

8.I lost my school ID card. I must find it.




知识点 1:将be动词(am, is, are)提到句首(首字母要大写),如果原句中的主语是第一人称要变为第二人称,句末加问号。

例:I am Zhang Yang → Are you Zhang Yang?

That is my bike → Is that your bike?

知识点 2:含有be动词的一般疑问句:

肯定回答:Yes,主语+be. 否定回答:No, 主语+be not.

例:—Is this your pen? —Yes, it is / No, it isn"t.

2.I must find it. 我必须找到它。

must 情态动词,意为"必须,应当,一定"

must do sth表示义务、命令、或必要。

例:You must be here on time. 你必须按时来这儿。

must的否定形式是mustn"t= must not , 含有must的一般疑问句是把must提至句首,其肯定回答时yes,sb must; 否定回答:No, sb needn"t.

例:—Must I speak English? 我必须讲英语吗?

—Yes, you must. 是的,你必须。

—No, you needn"t. 不,你不必。

3. a set of keys 一串钥匙

a set of 意为"一套,一组,一列",a set of +复数名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数!!!

例:The set of keys is Tom"s. 这串钥匙是汤姆的。

4.Is that your backpack? Yes, it is.

知识点 1:Is that your backpack? 这种句型叫一般疑问句,是由陈述句 That is my backpack.变来的。

陈述句中的动词如果是 am, is , are,变疑问句时可以直接把 am, is, are提前到主语前面, 首字母变为大写,将句号改为问号。变否定句时则直接在 am, is, are的后面加 not.

●例如: This is my ruler. → Is this your ruler? (一般疑问句)

→This is not my ruler.(否定句)

方法指津: 巧用 be 动词

be动词用处大,变化 am, is ,are。

表否定很简单, not 加在 be 后边。

若要变为疑问句, be应移到主语前。


思维拓展: 一般疑问句和特殊疑问句


(1)一般疑问句是要用 yes或 no 来回答的问句,一般译为为"….吗?"

如:Is this your pencil? Yes, it is . / No, it isn "t.

(2)特殊疑问句不需要用 yes或 no 来回答,它的结构是 "特

殊疑问词 +一般疑问句 ",要根据特殊疑问词来做答。

如:What color is your backpack? It "s blue.

How many watches do you have? Two.

5. Excuse me, Sonia.

Excuse me意思是 "打扰了,请原谅,对不起,劳驾您 ",多用于向对方提出请求、询问情况、打搅别




Excuse me, is there a bank near here?



Excuse me, are you Mr Lee?



Excuse me, may I go out for a moment?




Excuse me, please listen to me.

方法指津: Excuse me与 I "m sorry, pardon的区别

※I "m sorry 一般用于做错了事,有愧于某人或某事而道歉时,或者用于向别人表示同情或遗憾时。

如:A: My mother is ill in hospital. B: Oh, I "m sorry to hear that.

※Excuse me 多用于打扰、麻烦或有求于别人时所用。

※pardon 是 I beg your pardon的缩略形式,一般用于正式的场合。

6. Yes, thank you.

Thank you 用来表达谢意,还可以说 thanks,若要加强语气后面可以加 very much。回答别人的感谢时可以说 Not at all,You are welcome 或者 That"s all right 。

●例如: Please have a cup of tea. 请喝杯茶吧。 Thank you. 谢谢您。

7. What"s this in English?

in English 意思是 "用英语 ","in是介词,在这里表示使用某种语言。 " In 有多种意思,当表示 "方法、工具、语言 "时,其意思为 "用"。

●例如:用这种方法 in this way 用中文 in Chinese 用墨水写 write in ink

思维拓展 in 的其他用法 :

表方位(在 …的里面) 如:在盒子里 in the box

表穿衣戴帽 如:穿着红外衣 in a red coat

8. How do you spell it?

该句是由 how 引导的特殊疑问句, how 在这里叫做特殊疑问词, 意思是 "怎么、怎样、如何",

与 what , who , when一样,可以引导特殊疑问句。句中的 do 是个助动词,在句中起辅助作


●例如:你身体好吗?(你怎么样?) How are you?

思维拓展 : how 的其他用法

1. how 还可以引导感叹句,意思为 "多么"。

如:今天的天气多么好啊! How nice the weather is!

2. how 还可以跟其他形容词连用,共同构成特殊疑问词: how old 多大

how much 多少钱 how many多少…等。

如:你多大了? How old are you?


( )1. --- Is this your jacket? --- .

A.Yes, it is B. Yes, it isn"t

C. No, it is D. No, this isn"t

( )2. --- the notebooks in the box? --- Yes, .

A.Are; they are B. Is; it is

C. Are; those are D. Is; that is

( )3. --- Are these his pencils?

--- . They are my pencils.

A. Yes, they are B. No, they aren"t

C. Yes, these are D. No, these aren"t

( )4. --- Are those your brothers?

--- .

A.Yes, they are B. No, those aren"t

C. No, these aren"t D. Yes, those are

( )5. These are desks. Those desks are .

A. my; her B. our; yours C. my; your D. mine; yours

( )6. --- Is that colourful pencil-box Bob"s?

--- No, it isn"t . It"s .

A. hers; his B. her; his C. his; her D. his; hers

( )7. You have more pencils than . But ___ are nicer

than .

A.I; mine; yours B. I; my; yours

C. I; mine; you D. me; mine; your

( )8. The comic books aren"t . They are .

A. his; hers B. her; his C. hers; he D. our; his

( )9. --- oranges?

--- No, they are apples.

A. Is this B. Are these C. These are D. This is

( )10. --- that your pencil case?

--- , it"s his pencil case.

A. Is; Yes B. Is; No C. Are; No D. Are; Yes

( )11. --- Are these your grandparents? --- .

A. Yes, these are B. Yes, they"re

C. Yes, they are D. Those are

( )12. --- Are those your books? --- Yes, .

A. it is B. these are C. they are D. it isn"t

( )13. These books are . books are over there.

A. my; Yours B. your; Mine C. mine; Yours D. yours; My

( )14. --- Is this Tom"s Book?

--- No, it isn"t . It"s .

A. he; she B. his; her C. his; hers D. he; hers

( )15. This isn"t book. Is it ?

A. my; yours B. my; your C. mine; yours D. mine; your

