失眠网 > 耳目一新的高三二轮英语复习——山东济宁育才中学 届高三英语教学教研团队

耳目一新的高三二轮英语复习——山东济宁育才中学 届高三英语教学教研团队

时间:2022-08-07 07:17:08


耳目一新的高三二轮英语复习——山东济宁育才中学 届高三英语教学教研团队


3、4月山东济宁市教育科学研究院对全市高三二轮教学进行视察督导,4月13日来到济宁育才中学,英语教研员何庆友老师听完两节英语公开课后,点评:耳目一新的高三二轮英语复习。Step I warming—up通过听力检测 ——拓展阅读之听写检测》 ——回扣话题下词、块、句及篇章,这样,话题下的词汇及知识全部激活了;另外,学生在听写的过程中,训练了英语听力中的连读、失去爆破等语音现象,解决了听力理解之“听清”。Step IIIntensive reading通过语篇的精深---《拓展阅读之反馈学案》,点拨语篇结构,语篇中回扣词汇语法的运用。Step III Writing强化造句、写作输出。总之,改变了以往二轮复习“做好题讲好题”简单的复习模式。

山东济宁育才中学 届高三英语教学教研团队李冉冉高三19班普通文科







skip school/drop out of school; fall behind / catch up with; turn up / show up.点拨熟词生义,如:be subject to; refer to.点拨一词多义 ,如: figure。

其次是长难句,让学生学会分析长难句的结构框架。根据主从句的分析,句型的提取和固定搭配的分析,让学生学会分析长难句的基本结构和修饰成分。如, Never before had she been so torn between doing what was right and being accepted by her friends.





I Teaching content:

Revision of words, phrases, sentences related to the topic by intensive reading and dictation.

II Teaching key points and difficult points

Master the writing styles and their characteristics while intensive reading; at the same time, revise the s related to the topic, grammar and comprehension.

III Teaching procedures

Step 1: Dictation. Hand out the paper and finish the blanks by listening to the tape, after that check the answers by themselves.

Step 2: Intensive reading one passage by one passage.

At first, students are given 5 minutes to fill in the blanks and prepare other questions at the same time, including explaining underlined expressions and analyzing the long difficult sentences or corrections. Meanwhile, 3 students are asked to write the answers to the blackboard.

Then, check and explain by asking them questions.

As for Passage A, questions are as follows:

Q1: What’s the style of it?

Q2: Make a summary of it.

Q3: The questions prepared on the paper.

fill in the blanks (逃学、落后、因不尽最大努力而受责备 ……),explain the underlined phrase(turn up for English, torn…), and analyze the two long sentences (Never before had she been so torn…; She knew that failure to …)

As for Passage B, questions are as follows:

Q1: What’s the style of it?

Q2: Questions given to students on the paper.

give the two subtitles to the passage(find the key information); fill the blanks(批准、一入住、由 …负担费用 ……); grammar blank(Students living in buildings that have kitchens…); explain the expressions(are subject to, refer to, violate).

As for Passage C, questions are below:

Q1: What’s the style of it?

Q2: Analyze the structure of the passage (students are given the tip: the passage can be divided into two parts and given the main idea of each part)

Q3: Questions shown on the paper.

fill in the blanks (入学考试、论证 );explain the underlined words(places; figure);grammar correction(That is a record14.5% increases in a number of…; Students who take a well-planned year out are more likely to be…)

Step 3:Homework (writing)

Summarize the expressions and sentence styles in the class and then write a composition based on their own high school experiences.

学生题页(听力检测 +反馈学案)

Sample 1


《拓展阅读》 Unit13 Success and failure 成功与失败济宁市教育科学研究院



Teaching Aims:

(1) Students will be able to have a better command over topic words, phrases or sentence patterns through exercises.

(2) Students will be able to use the topic materials in writing.

Difficult points: skills to pick sentence errors. Proper ways to use the phrases or sentences.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1. Students prepare themselves for the words, phrases and sentences in this topic. (5 min.)

Step 2. Students are to finish exercise 1 and correct errors. (10 min.)

1. how — what 2. very little ... learning (learners)

3. has completed...have been translated 4. including (in)

5. a good goal would be made (making)

6. in addition to 7. (a) good advice 8. and—but

Step 3: Students are to read and translate the phrases and make some sentences. (5 min.)

1. that is 2. for example 3. in some cases 4. be based on

5. work best 6. as long as 7. in the long run

8. in addition to 9. become fully occupied

10. set an example for them to follow

11. it has always struck me that…

Step 4: Students are to write sentences using the materials in Part II for the given cases. (15 min.)

1. Ben想了解中国学生如何过五一节。

2. 写信给国外一家网站申请外语栏目兼职工作。

Step 5: Listen and write down words and phrases. (10min.)


Student Exercise Sheet One ------源自《拓展阅读之反馈学案》


I. Correct errors or fill in blanks

1. _______________ do we know when students are motivated ?

2. Basically, very little if any ___________ (learn) can occur unless students are motivated on a consistent basis.

3. She published her first short story at the age of fifteen, and has completed a large number of works, which ___________________ (translate) into forty languages so far.

4. Recently, a new science behind incentives, include in education, has been discussed.

5. If you want to cut down your spending, a good goal would be made morning coffee at home instead of going to a café, for example.

6. In addition many scientific publications, he has published four collections of poems and several books of essays.

7. This is a good advice for a new adventure or just getting through today’s challenges.

8. It has always struck me that when you’re looking at a big challenge from the outside it looks huge, and when you are in the middle of it, it just seems normal.

II. Useful phrases or sentence patterns

1. that is 2. for example 3. in some cases 4 . be based on 5.work best

6. as long as 7. in the long run 8. in addition to

9. become fully occupied 10. set an example for them to follow

11. It has always struck me that

III. Write proper sentences using the materials in PART II for the given cases below.


2. 写信给国外一家网站申请外语栏目兼职工作。

Student Exercise Sheet Two《拓展阅读之听写检测》(略)

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