失眠网 > 李锦记健康产品集团荣获亚洲最佳雇主奖 LKKHPG Named the Best Employer ...

李锦记健康产品集团荣获亚洲最佳雇主奖 LKKHPG Named the Best Employer ...

时间:2019-12-07 06:58:10


李锦记健康产品集团荣获亚洲最佳雇主奖 LKKHPG Named the Best Employer ...

无限极母公司李锦记健康产品集团连续两年荣获亚洲权威人力资源专业刊物 《HR Asia》颁发的「亚洲最佳企业雇主奖」(Best Companies to Work for in Asia),该奖项是对李锦记健康产品集团在员工敬业度、人才发展和工作环境等方面的再次肯定。


本次奖项评选以《HR Asia》工作环境及员工敬业度调研报告(WEES?)为评分基准,深具系统性和广泛性,并由《HR Asia》和著名国际人力资源咨询公司美世合作进行。评选以问卷调查方式访问了亚洲20个国家的5200多名员工,在随机不记名的员工问卷调查中显示,李锦记健康产品集团在所有评分维度中均获得高分。《HR Asia》评审团队认为,李锦记健康产品集团本着独有的企业文化,为雇员提供创新舒适的工作场所,让员工能够发挥潜能,因而拥有高敬业度的员工及享有卓越的业务成果。

李锦记健康产品集团高级副总裁杨国晋先生表示:「很荣幸能再次获得这一奖项认可,这既是对集团为雇员持续创造『爽』的工作氛围及发展平台的肯定,亦印证了集团于业务运作上实践核心价值 -『思利及人』的努力和成果。我们会继续提供更加优良的工作环境,让员工能够不断成长,并享受工作与生活的平衡。」

LKKHPG, the mother company of Infinitus, was named one of the Best Companies to Work for in Asia by HR Asia Magazine - the most authoritative publication for HR professionals in the region. This award given for the second consecutive year is in recognition of the Group"s remarkable performance in employee engagement, talent management as well as workplace practices.

LKKHPG was one of the 26 companies qualified this year out of the 138 nominees among 20 industries across Hong Kong, based on essential criteria including working environment, HR practices, employee engagement and job satisfaction.

Winners for the awards are selected from one of the most structured and extensive survey, which is conducted by HR Asia and Mercer, a renowned international human resources consulting firm, on employee engagement and workplace practices. This proprietary survey covered over 5,200 employees across 20 countries in Asia, and its findings showed that LKKHPG scored high in various assessments. HR Asia reviewed LKKHPG is dedicated to providing employees with excellent environment for sustainable development which makes it a great place to work for and enables the employees to unleash their potential and maximize productivity.

"It is an honour to be awarded once again!" said Mr. Harry Yeung, Senior Vice President of the LKKHPG. "This award encourages us to continue to substantiate our core values "Si Li Ji Ren" (Considering Collective Benefits Before Acting) in every aspect of our business operations, also reinforces our commitment to providing excellent environment for our employees to grow and obtain work-life balance."

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