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时间:2022-10-27 10:00:38




1.abruptly = suddenly 突然地

2.accelerated = speeded up加速

3.accommodated = allowed 容纳

4.accordingly = correspondingly 相应地

5.accounts for = explains 解释

6.accustomed to = used to 习惯于

7.advent = arrival 到来

8.advocate = support 拥护支持

9.afforded = provided 提供(的)

10.aggregate =collection 合集

11.altered = transformed 改变

12.anchored = held in place 用锚系住

13.anticipate = predict 预期

14.apparently affects = seem to affect 似乎影响了...

15.appropriate=suitable 恰当的

16.ascend = go up = mounted = grew 上升

17.assertion = claim = pronouncement = statement = formulation 陈述,声明

18.assess = evaluate 评估,评价

19.assume = take >熟词僻意,这里是承担的意思)

20.attest = confirm = prove = verify 验证,证实

21.autonomous = independent 独立自主的

22.barring = excluding 把……除外

23.burdensome = difficult 繁重的

24.ceased = stopped 停止

25.cited =mentioned 引用

26.classic = specified = typical 典型的

27.cluster =group 群

28.collated = assembled 整合

parable = similar =likewise = resembled 类似地

pelled =required 强迫的

pelling = persuasive 有说服力的

pensated = made up for 弥补

piled = put together 编纂

pounded = supplement = added to 使增加、补充

35.conceal = hide 隐藏

36.concentrated= gathered 集中

37.consistent = the same 一致的

38.constituent = component 组成

39.continually =continuous=uninterrupted=unvarying 持续的、未被中断的 = regularly 定期地

40.conventional = traditional 传统的

41.converge >交汇

42.copious = abundant = plentiful = considerable = significant = substantial =sufficient 大量的 = in profusion

43.counterpart = equivalent 对应物

44.critically = dangerously 危急地

45.cycle =pattern of events that repeats itself 循环

46.debate = argue about 争论

47.deciphering = figuring out 辨认

48.decisive = determining 决定性的

49.deliberate= intentional 故意的

50.depositing = putting 放置

51. detected = noticed = discovered = distinguish 发现、探明;识别

52.distortions = irregularities 扭曲

53.dismissed=rejected 拒绝、否定

54.dispersed= diffuse = spread = scattered 消散弥漫

55.disrupted =disordered混乱的

56.distinct = clear = explicit = clearly expressed = clearly stated 明显的,清晰的

57.distinctive = characteristic 独特的

58.diverse = varied 不同的

59.drastic = very significant = exceeding = extreme = intense = strong 急剧的

60.elevated = high 高的

61.emergence = development = rise 出现

62.emitted = released 释放

63.enormous = huge =vast = extensive =large 巨大的

64.ensured = guaranteed 确保

65.eradicated = erased = eliminated 消除

66.eventually = finally = over time 最终

67.evident = clear 明显的

68.exclusively = >仅仅

69.exercise = apply = harness = utilize 运用

70.expel from = left from 从...中排除

71.exquisitely = perfectly 精巧地,优美地

72.extracts = removes 提取

73.flee=run away 逃跑

74.flexible = bendable 可弯曲的


76.focused =concentrated 集中的

77.foundation = basis基础

78.frigid =cold 寒冷的

79.function = purpose功能


81.generally=usually 通常

82.gradual = slow 逐渐的

83.hastening =hurrying 加速

84.hierarchy = system of ranking 等级

85.ideally=perfectly 理想的、完美的

86.identifiable = recognizable 可辨认的

87.imminent =about to happen 即将到来的


89.implications = consequences 后果

90.imply = suggest 暗示

91.in response to = as a result of 对…的回应

92.incredibly = amazingly 难以置信地

93.indefinitely = without limit = endlessly 不限期地

94.indispensable = essential 不可或缺的

95.inevitable = certain 必然地

96.ingenuity = cleverness 心灵手巧

97.ingestion = swallowing 吞咽,进食

98.inhibit=slow down抑制,使…放慢

99.initiate = launch = start 开始 = introduce 引入 = wrought = created 引起

100.innovation = change 创新

101.insisting = stating forcefully 坚持认为、坚称

102.inspect = examine 检查

103.install = put in place 安装

104.integration = unity = combination 集合

105.intended = desired 想要的

106.intermediate = between stages 中级的

107.interpret = understand = appreciation 理解


109.isolated = widely separated隔离的

110.lasted=endured 持续

111.leftover = remaining 剩余的

112.lucrative = payable 有利可图的

113.many-segmented =are divided into several parts 分割成很多部分的

114.margins = limit = constrains 边缘,限制

115.marvelous = wonderful 了不起的

116.matches = agrees with 符合

117.modest = moderate = slightly = by very small amounts 少量的

118.more permeable=had more places where crossings could occur 更易渗透

119.motives = reasons动机

120.mundane = ordinary 普通的

121.mutual = shared互相的

= final 最终的

123.nevertheless = even so = however 尽管如此

124.obligations =responsibilities 义务

125.opaque = nontransparent 不透明的

126.ornamented = decorated 装饰

127.parallel = happen at the same time and rate 平行运行

128.parameters = factors 因素

129.peak = high point 最高点

130.perceive = see 感知

131.pierced = broke through刺穿

132.plausible = likely 有可能(正确)的

133.pointless = of no use 无意义的

134.portable = movable可携带的

135.postulate = propose假定

136.predominate = are in the majority 占主导的

137.prevailing = generally accepted 普遍的,盛行的

138.prior to = before 在之前

139.profoundly=deeply 深入地

140.progressively = increasingly 越来越

141.prolong =extended =lengthened 延长

142.prompted = stimulated = encouraged 激起,促使

143.proportions =growth 大小

144.proximity = closeness接近

145.pursue=engage in追求、从事

146.readily = easily 轻易地 =quickly 迅速地

147.refine =improve = perfect 完善

148.refuge = protected 保护

149.regardless of = no matter 不管,不论

150.rekindled = renewed 恢复

151.relatively = comparatively 相对地

152.reluctantly = unwillingly 不情愿地

153.remnants =remainders = remains 剩余物

154.remote =isolated 偏僻的,疏远的


156.resolve = settle 解决

157.respective = in the order presented 各自的,分别的

158.retarding = slowing 迟滞,延迟

159.revealed = showed 显示


161.rival = competing 敌对的,竞争的

162.roughly = approximately 大约

163.routinely = often 通常地

164.rudimentary = primitive = simple 基础的,初步的,未发展的

165.sabotage = intentionally damage 故意破坏

166.sculpt = shape 雕刻

167.seldom = rarely 很少

168.signifying = indicating 表明

169.soared = increased dramatically = surge =sudden increase 激增

170.sophisticated =highly developed 发达的

171.sophistication = complexity 复杂性

172.stagnation = lack the growth 停滞

173.stamina = endurance 耐力

174.strictly =exist in aquatic environments>175.subsequent = later = succeeding = following 随后的

176.sufficiently = enough 充分地

177.suitable = appropriate 合适的

178.surely = certainly 确定地

179.surplus =extra额外的

180.suspected =thought it likely有嫌疑的

181.suspicion = distrust = skepticism=doubt 怀疑

182.sustain=continue = maintain = keep = preserve保持,维持 =support 支撑

183.tactic = strategy 策略

184.tending=takingcare of 照料

185.the aftermath of a founder event = the situation that results from a founder event 事件开端造成的后果

186.the course of change = the way the change developed 变化过程

187.their components = what they consist of组成部分

188.theoretically = in principle 理论上

189.thereby = thus = consequently 因此

190.ties =connections 联系

191.to capacity =used to its full agricultural potential 发挥作用

192.unfavorable =negative不利的

193.unprecedented = previously unequaled 空前的,前所未有的

194.vanishes = disappears 消失

195.vicinity = neighborhood 临近,周边地区

196.vigorous = energetic 活跃的 = lively有活力的 = strong 强烈的

197.a case in point = a good example 恰当的例子

198.a good candidate for past life = originally had some Earthlike forms of life 本身具备生命痕迹

199.adaptable to the iron technology = could be used with the iron technology 适应制铁技术

200.almost universal among fish = used by almost all fish 在鱼中很普遍,很常用









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