失眠网 > 【双语】宣化老禅师出家的因缘(5)----宣化上人开示


时间:2021-01-14 06:52:06




The Story of the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua"s Leaving the Home-life (5)


None of you should stand outside the door and be afraid to come in; all of you are members of the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, and in the future you will become Buddhas.

在宣公上人德高望重之号召下,有华籍、美籍、越南籍等各国青年男女,纷纷皈依受具、出家修道。其中有博士学位、硕士学位及学士学位者,他们放下前程似锦的生活,入佛门求证真理。The young men and women who have responded to the Venerable Master"s reputation for excellent virtue and strict standards include natives of China, America,Vietnam, and other countries, who have come to take the Three Refuges and the Complete Precepts, to leave the home-life, and to cultivate the Way. They include holders of Bachelor"s, Master"s and Doctoral degrees, and many have renounced lucrative occupations and luxurious lifestyles in the world to study the true principles of the Buddhadharma.有的修苦行打饿七,或二十一日禁食,或三十六日禁食,或七十二日禁食。这种苦行在美国佛教史上是空前的壮举,希有之至!又有的为祈祷世界和平,发愿三步一拜,二年六个月,从未间断,风雨不误,身体力行,做一切佛教徒之榜样。这些都是因为受上人高蹈懿行所感动,而发心效法上人这种行菩萨道、为人忘我的精神!Some cultivate asceticism, with fasting of one week, or three weeks; some fast aslong as thirty-six days, and even up to seventy-two days. Such a vigorous ascetic regimen is unparalleled in the history of Buddhism in America, and can be considered extremely rare! There are also some who, for the sake of world peace, have vowed to bow once every three steps, and they have done so continuously for two and a half years. Undaunted by the wind or rain, they practice this in order to serve as models for all Buddhists. Inspired by the Venerable Master"s exalted virtuous conduct, they strive to emulate the Master"s spirit of forgetting himself for the sake of others to practice the Bodhisattva Way.宣公上人教导有方,弟子们循规蹈矩,认真修行,遵守佛制,时时搭衣、日中一食、夜不倒单。可以说,全世界现在找不到第二个地方。所以万佛圣城是世界的佛教中心,对所有佛弟子有不可思议的启迪作用!The Venerable Master"s teaching methods are effective; his disciples are well-behaved. They cultivate earnestly and observe the Buddha"s regulations of always wearing their precept-robes, eating one meal a day at noon, and not lying down to sleep. It would be hard to find another place with comparable standards. Therefore, the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas has become a center of world Buddhism and serves as an inspiration for all Buddhists.上人于一九六二年,携正法西来,历年来创办法界佛教总会(前身为中美佛教总会),又成立万佛圣城及美、加、台、马等地各分支道场。为培养世界栋梁之材,特在万佛圣城设立法界佛教大学、培德中学、育良小学。为令正法久住,造就行解兼顾之佛教人才,遂设立僧伽居士训练班。为使佛经流通于全世界,又成立国际译经学院。现有许多僧尼、居士,埋头苦干,致力于将佛经翻译为英文。现已出版一百余部中、英及其它西方语言之经书,流通世界各地。In 1962, the Venerable Master brought the Proper Dharma to the West, and in they ears that followed, he founded the Dharma Realm Buddhist Association (formerly the Sino-American Buddhist Association), the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, andother Way-places in the United States, Canada, Taiwan, Malaysia, and other countries and districts. In order to educate people to become good citizens of the world, at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas the Venerable Master established Dharma Realm Buddhist University, Developing Virtue High School, and Instilling Goodness Elementary School. For the sake of causing the Proper Dharma to remainin the world and to train Buddhist workers in both theory and practice, he established the Sangha and Laity Training Programs. He also founded the International Translation Institute so that Buddhist Sutras might circulate throughout the world. Many monks, nuns, and lay people are now diligently working to translate the Sutras into English. Over a hundred volumes of Sutras and Buddhist texts have already been published in Chinese, English, and other languages and are being circulated worldwide.上人一生坚苦卓绝,为法忘躯。时至今日,法界佛教总会之分支道场,虽已遍及美、加与亚洲各地;然而上人仍保持一贯谦逊淡泊之态度,自称是“一只小蚂蚁”,处在人人之下,绝对不和任何人争。The Master"s whole life has been one of hardship and distinctive achievement, of selfless dedication to the Dharma. Although the branch monasteries of Dharma Realm Buddhist Association have spread throughout the United States, Canada,and Asia, the Venerable Master remains as humble and modest as ever, calling himself a tiny ant that walks beneath everyone else and would never contend with anyone.他曾说:“万佛圣城不是私人的机构,是属于全世界佛教徒所有,甚至全世界宗教徒也包括在内。目前在圣城的住众,终日埋头苦干;我只是做一个守门人,一个清道夫,等着有缘的众生到这里共同修行。你们不要把自己抛到门外,你们都是万佛圣城的成员,将来都要成佛。”He has said, "The City of Ten Thousand Buddhas is not a private institution;it belongs to all the Buddhists of the world, and in fact, the followers of all religions have a share in it. The people living at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas are putting their nose to the grind stone everyday; I am just the person who watches the door, a custodian waiting for those living beings who have affinities to come here and cultivate together. None of you should stand outside the door and be afraid to come in; all of you are members of the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, and in the future you will become Buddhas.一九八一年禅七七月十六日至二十三日开示于万佛圣城万佛殿A talk given during a Chan Session from July 16-23, 1981The Hall of Ten Thousand Buddhas,The City of TenThousand Buddhas(完 The End)


