失眠网 > Great changes in that school. It is no longer it was 20 years ago.A. have taken place t

Great changes in that school. It is no longer it was 20 years ago.A. have taken place t

时间:2023-11-21 02:32:40


Great changes  in that school. It is no longer  it was 20 years ago.A. have taken place  t


Great changes in that school. It is no longer it was 20 years ago.

A. have taken place, that

B. have been taken place, what

C. have taken place, what

D. took place, the place what


A. have taken place, that

B. have been taken place, what

(答案→)C. have taken place, what

D. took place, the place what

解析:第一空考查词组:take place,不能用被动式,而且这题用现在完成时,表示现在的结果,第二空填what引导表语从句,表语从句中缺少表语,句意是:这个学校已经发生了很大的变化,它不再是轻的样子了。选C。

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