失眠网 > I lived next door to Debbie and her 84-year-old mother Nan for about six months. One nig

I lived next door to Debbie and her 84-year-old mother Nan for about six months. One nig

时间:2020-03-28 14:32:41


I lived next door to Debbie and her 84-year-old mother  Nan  for about six months. One nig


I lived next door to Debbie and her 84-year-old mother, Nan, for about six months. One night last summer, Debbie asked me to check on her mother because she worked the overnight shift (夜班) at a nursing home.

I was glad to help. But I 1felt a little funny about it. 2, I’ve been blind since I was a baby and out of 3for years. In fact, at 54, I came to wonder if I had any 4to live.

A bit after 9:00 pm, I heard a sound—over the years my ears have grown super 5. It was Nan. “Jim, Jim. The house is 6! Help!”

I went as far as I could to Debbie’s. I got to the front door, 7for the key and unlocked the door. “Nan! Where are you?” I called.

“Here, Jim. Help!” her voice was 8and low.

I felt my 9inside. “Nan, where are you? Keep 10!” “Here, Jim, here!” sounds as if she’s 11in front of me. I reached out and touched her shoulder. We felt our way down the steps. 12 in the sweet, fresh summer air.

Later the fire truck arrived. Debbie came too. Nan and I heard the sound of the 13coming down. Finally, the firefighters 14the fire.

I heard Nan crying. She said, “I was so 15and got turned around. I couldn’t find the door. You saved my life.”

Now Debbie’s voice quivered (发抖), “You’re a hero. You rescued my mom.”

I hardly knew what to say. Two hours earlier I was wondering whether I really mattered to anyone. And now I saved a life. Nan and Debbie were thanking me. Truth was, I wanted to thank them. Nan wasn’t the only one who had been saved that day.

【小题1】A.seldomB.hardlyC.alsoD.soon【小题2】A.First of allB.At allC.Above allD.After all【小题3】A.sightB.moneyC.patienceD.work【小题4】A.valueB.painC.sadnessD.good【小题5】A.uselessB.deafC.sensitiveD.responsible【小题6】A.too coldB.on saleC.too hotD.on fire【小题7】A.lookedB.reachedC.searchedD.waited【小题8】A.afraidB.weakC.calmD.certain【小题9】A.wayB.keyC.heartD.fear【小题10】A.talkingB.standingC.lyingD.staying【小题11】A.sillB.evenC.rightD.away【小题12】A.appearingB.breathingC.lostD.driven【小题13】A.houseB.truckC.fireD.air【小题14】A.set outB.put outC.hold upD.put off【小题15】A tiredB. fortunateC. disappointed D. scaredC




【小题1】考查副词:A. seldom很少B. hardly 几乎不C. also也, D. soon 很快,句意:我也感到一点滑稽,选C

【小题1】考查词组:A. First of all首先B. At all根本C. Above all首要的是,D. After all 毕竟,句意:毕竟我小时候就失明了。选D

【小题1】考查词组:out of work失业,不能选out of sight“消失在视野之外”选D


【小题1】考查形容词:A. useless无用的,B. deaf聋的C. sensitive敏感的, D. responsible负责的,句意:我的耳朵现在很敏感。选C

【小题1】考查词组:on fire着火了,因为nan在呼救,下文Later the fire truck arrived.也有暗示,所以选D

【小题1】考查词组;reach for伸手够。选B


【小题1】考查词组:feel one’s way摸索着道路。选A





【小题1】考查词组:A. set out出发B. put out扑灭C. hold up耽搁D. put off推迟,句意:消防队员扑灭了大火。选B。


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