失眠网 > As the life they were used to changed by the terrible earthquake the people in the earth

As the life they were used to changed by the terrible earthquake the people in the earth

时间:2024-03-03 03:16:19


As the life they were used to  changed by the terrible earthquake  the people in the earth


As the life they were used to changed by the terrible earthquake, the people in the earthquake-stricken area are doing all they can their new life.

A. have now been, build

B. having now been, to build

C. has now been, to build

D. is now, build


A. have now been, build

B. having now been, to build

(答案→)C. has now been, to build

D. is now, build

解析: 句意:因为他们习惯的那种生活现在已经被可怕的地震改变了。所以在地震袭击的地区人们正在尽他们所能建造他们的新生活。they were used to 为定语从句,修饰先行词the life,根据语境应用完成时态,do all sb can to do sth 尽某人所能做某事,故选C。

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