失眠网 > It is no use to persuade him smoking because he has been addicted to it since he was you

It is no use to persuade him smoking because he has been addicted to it since he was you

时间:2020-10-11 09:54:20


It is no use  to persuade him  smoking because he has been addicted to it since he was you


It is no use to persuade him smoking because he has been addicted to it since he was young.

A. trying, to quit

B. to try, to quit

C. to try, quit

D. trying, quit


(答案→)A. trying, to quit

B. to try, to quit

C. to try, quit

D. trying, quit

解析:这题考查非谓语动词:第一空是句型:It’s no use doing“做某事是无用的”,第二空考查词组:persuade sb to do,句意是“试图说服他戒烟是没有用的因为他年轻时就上瘾了。选A。

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