失眠网 > — It shouldn’t take long to clear up after the party if we volunteer to help.— That’s righ

— It shouldn’t take long to clear up after the party if we volunteer to help.— That’s righ

时间:2023-07-15 11:40:18


— It shouldn’t take long to clear up after the party if we volunteer to help.— That’s righ


— It shouldn’t take long to clear up after the party if we volunteer to help.

— That’s right. .

A. Many hands make light work.

B. Something is better than nothing.

C. The more, the merrier.

D. The sooner begun, the sooner done.


(答案→)A. Many hands make light work.

B. Something is better than nothing.

C. The more, the merrier.

D. The sooner begun, the sooner done.

解析:句意:——晚会后如果我们都主动帮忙的话,那就不会花很长时间来打扫干净。——是的,人多好办事。Many hands make light work符合句意;Something is better than nothing意为:有比没有好;聊胜于无;The more the merrier意为:人越多越乱;The sooner begun,the sooner done意为:开始越早,完成得越早。

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