失眠网 > I can honestly say it was the best of times and the worst of timesI was joyfully 36my fir

I can honestly say it was the best of times and the worst of timesI was joyfully 36my fir

时间:2023-11-29 20:17:34


I can honestly say it was the best of times and the worst of timesI was joyfully 36my fir


I can honestly say it was the best of times and the worst of times.I was joyfully 36my first Child at the same time that my once-energetic mother was 37her battle with a brain cancer.

For ten years,my courageous mother had fought,but none of the operations or other 38had been successful.Finally,she became totally 39unable to speak,walk,eat or dress on her own.As she grew closer and closer to death,my baby grew closer and closer to life.My biggest fear was that their lives would never 40she and my baby could never 41each other.

My fear seemed 42.A few weeks before my 43date,mother went into a deep coma(昏迷)and doctors said she would never 44.So we brought her to her own house.As often as I could,I 45her about the baby moving inside me.I hoped that somehow 46inside,she knew.

On February 3rd,at about the same time my labor(分娩)started at hospital,the nurse at her house told me the 47news:Morn opened her eyes,sitting up and smiling.I asked for the phone to be 48to Morn’S ear.

“Morn,you’II have a new grandchild!”

“Yes!Yes!I know!”

Four words。four _49 and beautiful words!

For the next tWO miracle weeks after I brought Jacob home,she gave US joy,smiling,holding Jacob and speaking to the family in complete 50Then she quietly slipped back into a coma 51and was finally free 52the pain forever.

Memories of my son’s birth will always be 53for me,but it was at this time that I learned an important truth about living. 54both joy and sorrow are lasting only a short time,and often intertwined(相互纠缠),love has the 55to face both.And love can last forever.

【小题1】A.hopingB.expectingC.waiting forD.taking care of【小题2】A.continuingB.startingC.completingD.losing【小题3】A.treatmentsB.methodsC.measuresD.injections【小题4】A.dullB.unmovedC.unconsciousD.disabled【小题5】A.combineB.connectC.mixD.gather【小题6】A.replaceB.blessC.knowD.inspire【小题7】A.well-foundedB.well—informedC.well—knownD.well-planned【小题8】A.readyB.finalC.dueD.fixed【小题9】A.come overB.come upC.come backD.come around【小题10】A.discussed withB.talked toC.explained toD.described to【小题11】A.deepB.dangerousC.magicD.mysterious【小题12】A.strangeB.fantasticC.impossibleD.imaginary【小题13】A.builtB.setC.feltD.put【小题14】A.accurateB.slowC.clearD.truthful【小题15】A.wordsB.idiomsC.descriptionsD.sentences【小题16】A.stateB.settingC.reactionD.silence【小题17】A.offB.againstC.fromD.beyond【小题18】A.light-heartedB.bitter-sweetC.niceD.fresh【小题19】A.IfB.AsC.SinceD.While【小题20】A.powerB.strengthC.forceD.energyB







【小题4】上下文串联。根据后面的内容unable to speak, walk, eat or dress on her own.可知D正确。













【小题17】固定短语。Free from远离…这里的Free from the pain forever是指母亲很快就去世了。


【小题19】 连词辨析。根据上下文的意思可知这里的while表示转折,意为尽管;


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