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Six Ways to Improve Reading ComprehensionHelp your child keep what he reads—a crucial skil

时间:2024-06-06 09:59:44


Six Ways to Improve Reading ComprehensionHelp your child keep what he reads—a crucial skil


Six Ways to Improve Reading Comprehension

Help your child keep what he reads—a crucial skill, especially as he gets older and needs to gain important information from textbooks.

Have him read aloud. This forces him to go slower, which gives him more time to process what he reads. 71

Provide the right kinds of books. Make sure your child gets lots of practice reading books that aren’t too hard. 72Stopping any more often than that to figure out a word makes it tough for him to focus on the overall meaning of the story.

73To gain meaning from text, your child needs to read quickly and smoothly—a skill known as fluency. Rereading familiar, simple books gives your child practice at decoding words quickly so hell become more fluent.

Talk to the teacher. If your child is struggling hard with comprehension, he may need more help with his reading—for example, building his vocabulary or practicing phonics skills.

Supplement class reading. If his class is studying a particular theme, look for easy-to-read books or magazines on the topic. Some prior knowledge will make his way through tougher classroom texts.

Talk about what hes reading. This “verbal processing” helps him remember and think through the themes of the book. 74For example:

●Before: “What interests you in this book? What doesn ?”

●During: “ 75Is it turning out the way you thought it would? ”

●After: “Can you summarize the book? What did you like about it?” A.Reread to build fluency. B.Whats going on in the book? C.Look up new words in the dictionary. D.Do you know all the characters in the story?E. Ask questions before, during, and after a reading session.

F. Plus, hes not only seeing the words, hes hearing them, too.

G. He should recognize at least 90 percent of the words without any help. F




【小题1】F 本段是关于大声朗读文章,那么不仅仅是空间,而且是听见。故F符合要求。

【小题2】G 上文说要给孩子合适的,不要太难的书,那么G项符合要求,学生至少能认出百分之90的单词。

【小题3】A 根据本段的Rereading familiar, simple books可知是指重新阅读这些材料让我们获得流利。

【小题4】E 根据下文的before,during,after可知这里是指在读之前,过程中,读之后都要问一些相关的问题。

【小题5】B 根据下一句:是不是与我们所认为的一样?可知B正确。

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