失眠网 > I to the lecture that afternoon but I a bit ill.A. should have gone; wasB. would have g

I to the lecture that afternoon but I a bit ill.A. should have gone; wasB. would have g

时间:2019-07-18 07:54:45


I  to the lecture that afternoon  but I  a bit ill.A. should have gone; wasB. would have g


I to the lecture that afternoon, but I a bit ill.

A. should have gone; was

B. would have gone; had been

C. should go; was

D. would go; had been


(答案→)A. should have gone; was

B. would have gone; had been

C. should go; was

D. would go; had been

解析:考查虚拟语气。根据时间状语that afternoon可知是对过去的情况比赛虚拟,使用情态动词+have done,排除CD。Should have done本应该做某事,实际上却未坐;would have done会做某事。But后面的句子应该使用陈述语序,根据前句的that night可知后半句使用过去时。故A正确。

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