失眠网 > When Nancy was at college she three foreign languages. But I am surprised to find that s

When Nancy was at college she three foreign languages. But I am surprised to find that s

时间:2018-06-23 22:53:15


When Nancy was at college  she  three foreign languages. But I am surprised to find that s


When Nancy was at college, she three foreign languages. But I am surprised to find that she all except a few words of each.

A. spoke; had forgotten

B. had spoken; had forgotten

C. spoke; has forgotten

D. had spoken; has forgotten


A. spoke; had forgotten

B. had spoken; had forgotten

(答案→)C. spoke; has forgotten

D. had spoken; has forgotten

解析:考查时态:第一空填过去时,时间状语是:When Nancy was at college,主句是过去时,第二空是现在完成时,表示现在的结果。句意:当南茜在大学的时候,她说了三种语言,但我很惊讶的发现除了几个单词,她都忘了。选C。

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