失眠网 > I was about to walk over to Tom's seat when he and left.A. set up B. got up C. put up D.

I was about to walk over to Tom's seat when he and left.A. set up B. got up C. put up D.

时间:2023-10-13 17:49:21


I was about to walk over to Tom's seat when he  and left.A. set up B. got up C. put up D.


I was about to walk over to Toms seat when he and left.

A. set up

B. got up

C. put up

D. came up


A. set up

(答案→)B. got up

C. put up

D. came up

解析:考查固定词组,A. set up建立B. got up起来C. put up举起D. came up矫揉造作,句子意思“我将要走到汤姆的座位当他起来离开的时候”

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