失眠网 > 【小题1】— Have you ever seen the film Mr Beans ?—C. I plan to see it this weekend ?A. Yes I

【小题1】— Have you ever seen the film Mr Beans ?—C. I plan to see it this weekend ?A. Yes I

时间:2023-04-22 04:59:51


【小题1】— Have you ever seen the film Mr Beans ?—C. I plan to see it this weekend ?A. Yes  I


【小题1】— Have you ever seen the film Mr Beans ?

—C. I plan to see it this weekend ?

A. Yes, I have B. No, I don’t C. Never

【小题2】—What do you think of the talk show ?

—B.I fell asleep when I was watching it .

A. Exciting B. Boring C. Not bad

【小题3】—Would you like to tell me the way to the station ?

—Sorry, B.

A .this way B. I’m a new comer ,too C. It’s on the right

【小题4】—Would you mind moving the desk ?I can’t get there .

—B. I will do it right away .

A. Yes, I do B. No, not at all C. Of course

【小题5】—Excuse me ,how can I get to Beijing West Station ?


A. It’s a long way to go B. It takes an hour by taxi

C. The Bus No.12 will take you there .








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