失眠网 > -–Do you think he will make a good teacher?--Yes I believe he is any good teacher.A. as

-–Do you think he will make a good teacher?--Yes I believe he is any good teacher.A. as

时间:2021-04-08 05:48:42


-–Do you think he will make a good teacher?--Yes  I believe he is  any good teacher.A. as


-–Do you think he will make a good teacher?

--Yes, I believe he is any good teacher.

A. as patient and devoted a man as

B. so patient and devoted a man as

C. a man as patient and devoted

D. such a patient and devoted man


(答案→)A. as patient and devoted a man as

B. so patient and devoted a man as

C. a man as patient and devoted

D. such a patient and devoted man

解析:句意:--你认为他将能成为一个好老师吗?--是的,我相信他和其他的好老师一样是既有耐心又有奉献精神的人。so…as必须用在否定句中,故排除B;such… that/as,故排除D;选项C缺少第二个as;as+形容词+冠词+名词+ as,故选A。

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