失眠网 > —Last night Ted was late for the party again.—You know .A. a good beginning is half doneB

—Last night Ted was late for the party again.—You know .A. a good beginning is half doneB

时间:2021-07-24 16:34:54


—Last night Ted was late for the party again.—You know  .A. a good beginning is half doneB


—Last night Ted was late for the party again.

—You know, .

A. a good beginning is half done

B. honesty is the best policy

C. a leopard can not change its spots

D. a work ill done must be twice done


A. a good beginning is half done

B. honesty is the best policy

(答案→)C. a leopard can not change its spots

D. a work ill done must be twice done

解析:考查谚语:A. a good beginning is half done好的开始是成功的一半B. honesty is the best policy诚实至上C. a leopard can not change its spots江山易改,本性难移D. a work ill done must be twice done首次做不好,必须重新搞。从第一句话:--昨晚,Ted聚会又迟到了。可知选C。

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