失眠网 > Lily don’t stand the bus because it soon.A. in front of ; will startB. in the front of;

Lily don’t stand the bus because it soon.A. in front of ; will startB. in the front of;

时间:2023-02-11 10:15:40


Lily  don’t stand  the bus  because it soon.A. in front of ; will startB. in the front of;


Lily, don’t stand the bus, because it soon.

A. in front of ; will start

B. in the front of; is going to start

C. in front of ; start

D. in the front of; starts


(答案→)A. in front of ; will start

B. in the front of; is going to start

C. in front of ; start

D. in the front of; starts

解析:句意:莉莉,不要站在汽车的前面,因为它很快就要出发了。in front of表示在某物外面的前面;in the front of表示在 某个空间内的前面;根据句意可知这里应该指的是汽车外面的前面,故排除BD;根据soon可知这里应该用将来时。故选A。

考点: 考查介词短语及动词时态。

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