失眠网 > Have you ever tried to draw a straight line only to find it turns out all wrong? Or want

Have you ever tried to draw a straight line only to find it turns out all wrong? Or want

时间:2020-10-12 19:08:28


Have you ever tried to draw a straight line  only to find it turns out all wrong? Or  want


Have you ever tried to draw a straight line, only to find it turns out all wrong? Or, wanted to show 36at a party but the song you’d practised so many times suddenly 37more difficult?

Ive had both these 38.As a Senior 3 student, I have to 39many exams. Each time I enter one thinking “I 40fail this time.” , I get a low mark.

But don be surprised --- its not 41we don try, or do enough preparation, or take it 42. On the contrary, it is because we put ourselves under too much 43. It is thinking ‘I must…’ that makes us taste the terrible flavor of 44.

We often 45to our friends, “Don be too hard 46yourself!”. But when we 47our own goals, we may not listen to our own advice.

In doing so, we are making our path to success increasingly difficult.

So why not 48thiscrazypursuit(追求)togetthebest? Just face the problem 49before you with a calm mind, enjoy the hard work and you will succeed.

In my opinion, 50a calm state of mind is a skill for life. For people who want to succeed, 51this is a very important lesson.

So 52time when you e trying to draw a straight line or 53 a performance, tell yourself, “If I can just do it better than last time, its a 54. ”

Keep a calm state of mind, and you will be happy 55you succeed or fail.

【小题1】A.upB.offC.outD.in【小题2】A.assumesB.appearsC.listensD.becomes【小题3】A.experiencesB.chancesC.timesD.reviews【小题4】A.finishB.measureC.takeD.join【小题5】A.shouldn B.mayC.can D.haven 【小题6】A.whyB.sinceC.whenD.because【小题7】A.necessarilyB.seriouslyC.personallyD.sharply【小题8】A.careB.powerC.pressureD.attention【小题9】A.examsB.difficultyC.marksD.failure【小题10】A.sayB.speakC.tellD.talk【小题11】A.offB.onC.toD.for【小题12】A.shareB.achieveC.weighD.set【小题13】A.throw away B.get awayC.take awayD.let away【小题14】A.waitingB.sittingC.lyingD.laying【小题15】A.stayingB.keepingC.remainingD.making【小题16】A.tryingB.realizing C.usingD.training【小题17】A.lastB.whatC.nextD.high【小题18】A.put onB.play onC.give onD.show on【小题19】A.successB.taskC.lessonD.trial【小题20】A.ifB.eitherC.neitherD.whetherB




【小题1】B 固定搭配。Show off炫耀;show up出现;指当我们想在聚会上炫耀自己练习很久的歌曲的时候。

【小题2】D 动词辨析。A假设B出现C听D变成;这些练习了很多次的歌曲突然就变得很困难了。

【小题3】A 名词辨析。A经历B机会C次数D复习;我这两种经历都曾经遇见过。是指第一段的两次经历。

【小题4】C 动词搭配。Take the exam参加考试;动词take可以表示参加课程的学习,参加考试。

【小题5】C 上下文串联。根据下文描述可知我们在参加考试的考试的时候,总是对自己说:不能失败。

【小题6】D 连词辨析。请不要惊讶。这不是因为我们不努力也不是准备不充分,或者满意认真。

【小题7】B 副词辨析。A必要B认真C个人D锋利;take…seriously认真对待…;句意同上一句。

【小题8】C 名词辨析。A关心B权力C压力D注意力;这是因为我们给自己太大的压力了。

【小题9】D 上下文串联。正是“我们必须”这样的想法让自己承受了失败的苦果。

【小题10】A 动词辨析。A说B讲话(不及物动词)C告诉D谈论;本题是指我们经常对朋友说…

【小题11】B 固定搭配。Be hard on…对…苛刻;我们经常对朋友讲:不要对自己太苛刻。

【小题12】D 固定搭配。Set a goal设立目标。但是当我们给自己设立目标的时候,我们就不这样想了。

【小题13】A 短语辨析。A抛弃B离开C带走D放开;为什么不把这些对最好的最求抛弃一边呢?

【小题14】C 动词辨析。A等待B坐C躺,位于D放置;用平静的心态对待位于我们面前的问题。

【小题15】B 动词辨析。A逗留B保持C仍然D生产;在生活中保持一个平静的状态是很重要的技巧。

【小题16】B 动词辨析。A尝试B意识到C使用D训练;对于那些想要成功的人来说,意识到这一点是很重要的。

【小题17】C 上下文串联。根据文章第一句可知当我们下一次尝试着画直线或者表演的时候…要有好的心态。

【小题18】A 固定搭配。Put on a performance表演,上演;当我们下一次尝试着画直线或者表演的时候…

【小题19】A 名词辨析。A成功B任务C教训D尝试;如果这次表现比上次好,就是成功。

【小题20】D 语法分析。Whether…or…无论…还是…;无论是成功还是失败,保持平静的心态就是成功。

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