失眠网 > Henry didn’t ask his mother to buy a car for him; he bought one for her.A. what’s moreB

Henry didn’t ask his mother to buy a car for him; he bought one for her.A. what’s moreB

时间:2020-09-27 08:11:38


Henry didn’t ask his mother to buy a car for him;    he bought one for her.A. what’s moreB


Henry didn’t ask his mother to buy a car for him; , he bought one for her.

A. what’s more

B. on the contrary

C. to be honest

D. in a word


A. what’s more

(答案→)B. on the contrary

C. to be honest

D. in a word

解析:考查词组:A. what’s more 还有B. on the contrary 正相反C. to be honest 说实话D. in a word总之,句意:Henry没有让妈妈给他买车,相反的,他给她买了一辆。选B。

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