失眠网 > —Can you come to help us with our work by 5 o’clock?—I don’t know if I can help;.A. that’s

—Can you come to help us with our work by 5 o’clock?—I don’t know if I can help;.A. that’s

时间:2022-08-02 02:27:41


—Can you come to help us with our work by 5 o’clock?—I don’t know if I can help;.A. that’s


—Can you come to help us with our work by 5 o’clock?

—I don’t know if I can help;.

A. that’s a pity

B. it all depends

C. you are welcome

D. that’s a pleasure


A. that’s a pity

(答案→)B. it all depends

C. you are welcome

D. that’s a pleasure

解析:考查交际用语:A.that’s a pity真遗憾B.it all depends那就看情况可定了C.you are welcome不用谢D.that’s a pleasure不用谢,句意:--5点的时候,你能来帮助我们工作吗?--我不知道是否能帮忙;看情况而定。选B。

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